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Edexcel A-level English Lit Exemplar Essays?

My grades have not been the best recently and I want to get them up to at least a B or above! I know that exemplar essays are a great way to really pick responses apart but I can't find any official ones/graded pieces by Edexcel.
If anyone could point me in the right direction it would be much appreciated!
Thanks :smile:

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Yeah I'm looking for them myself
Reply 2
I found something! It's a paid service but may singlehandedly save my grade:
Marked by Teachers is one of the most useful things I have ever seen (not surprising as it is part of the TSR family)! I will definitely be getting an annual subscription tomorrow. Unfortunately, it seems that all of the exemplar essays from the exam board are long gone now.
If anyone else is looking at this thread, this A-level English blog is super useful too!
Enjoy :smile:
You angel
Reply 4
Original post by barror1
My grades have not been the best recently and I want to get them up to at least a B or above! I know that exemplar essays are a great way to really pick responses apart but I can't find any official ones/graded pieces by Edexcel.
If anyone could point me in the right direction it would be much appreciated!
Thanks :smile:

Don't know how you haven't been able to find them, they're on the specification webpage. I left a link below, scroll down for them (make sure you try and find the texts you're studying of course, there are a lot of options).

Also, as someone who's also doing this course (will sit my final exams next year), I'd advise doing questions from the Sample Assessment Material/Specimen Papers (*timed conditions) and handing them in to your teacher to mark. Exam technique is so important for English - it makes such a difference, and your teachers are there to help you I advise you use them. Also, pay attention to the AOs and how much each of them are worth for each question (you can see this in the mark schemes).
Reply 5
Honestly finding them was a bit tricky so thanks! Hopefully it's not a link to the mark scheme lol. Thanks. And I do full timed papers so it's cool, teachers are a bit busy sometimes though! (not my standard is Bs and As so it's nothing to worry about :smile: )
Original post by barror1
Honestly finding them was a bit tricky so thanks! Hopefully it's not a link to the mark scheme lol. Thanks. And I do full timed papers so it's cool, teachers are a bit busy sometimes though! (not my standard is Bs and As so it's nothing to worry about :smile: )

I just got a level 5 in a poetry essay (Poems of the Decade), if you want to see it?
Reply 7
Yes please! I grabbed a level 4 on a Streetcar essay earlier but my poetry isn't as strong :smile:
Original post by barror1
Yes please! I grabbed a level 4 on a Streetcar essay earlier but my poetry isn't as strong :smile:

Ah I don't have it on me right now :frown: I can't promise that you'll be able to read my writing, but I can send photos on Monday :smile:
Reply 9
awwwww you're awesome, thank you! :smile:
Original post by Sonechka
I just got a level 5 in a poetry essay (Poems of the Decade), if you want to see it?

hey could you please send this to me as well if you dont mind? thank you so much!
Original post by Sonechka
Ah I don't have it on me right now :frown: I can't promise that you'll be able to read my writing, but I can send photos on Monday :smile:

Hi, Im struggling with poetry at the moment, I was wondering if I can look at this essay as well?
Thank you in advance
Reply 12
(Original post by Quirky Object)I just got a level 5 in a poetry essay (Poems of the Decade), if you want to see it?

Original post by Quirky Object
I just got a level 5 in a poetry essay (Poems of the Decade), if you want to see it?

omg TELL ME WHAT YOU DID? and what structure did you use? btw i'm doing as edexcel english lit for the poems of the decade
Reply 13
Original post by barror1
Yes please! I grabbed a level 4 on a Streetcar essay earlier but my poetry isn't as strong :smile:

Tell me how you got a level 4 on streetcar?
Reply 14
Original post by hd...
Tell me how you got a level 4 on streetcar?

Just remember to evaluate! Can't really remember specifically because that was like 2 months ago lol
Reply 15
Original post by barror1
Just remember to evaluate! Can't really remember specifically because that was like 2 months ago lol

wait how do you evalute? using critics quotes?
Reply 16
Original post by hd...
wait how do you evalute? using critics quotes?

There are no critics for Streetcar lol. You just need to say WHY the writer has done something as a result of something else.
eg. William's may have chosen to write about mental health because he wanted to confront society and its attitudes towards the subject.
Original post by hd...
wait how do you evalute? using critics quotes?

You only need critics quotes for AS-level Streetcar, not for A-level.

Which are you currently working on?
Reply 18
Original post by LeapingLucy
You only need critics quotes for AS-level Streetcar, not for A-level.

Which are you currently working on?

AS and I'm doing the actual exam for it
Reply 19
Original post by barror1
There are no critics for Streetcar lol. You just need to say WHY the writer has done something as a result of something else.
eg. William's may have chosen to write about mental health because he wanted to confront society and its attitudes towards the subject.

Wait what exam board are you on?

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