The Student Room Group

How to ask a girl out?

I am in year 10 and ive never had a girlfriend. Now the sets changed this year ther eis a girl that i really like. I have no confidence so i dont know how to ask her out although i really want to yet i dont want to make a fool of myself. We rarely talk and its a real downer when it comes to this. I dont actually know if she likes me.

Please can somebody help me out?


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just try to get to know her better. go to places you know she'll be. invite a few people over to yours or out to a movie or something and ask if she'd like to come.
school makes everything so easy! i wish i'd realised while i was there! sorry if that's patronising. i used to hate it when people said that.
but yeah....just go eat lunch with her sometimes.

if you want to ask her out soon (ie. without allowing time to get gradually closer) then just ask! the worst she can do is say no, and while it may seem like the end of the world it isn't. if she does say no, just don't act overly upset. smile and say 'ok, just thought i'd give it a shot' that way she probably wont feel too strange about talking to you in the future :biggrin:
good luck!

also....hope you get some more advice soon!
Reply 2
Uness you go about it in a stalkerish/really full-on way, she'll probably be quite flattered that you like her. I'm not saying that you should make your affections known from the start, but if you are friendly and show and interest in her as a friend first then I'm sure this will get a positive reaction. Everybody likes to be liked, after all. As has been suggested, you should definitely get to know this girl first before asking her out, so just try and make conversation in passing/find out about shared interests (without stalking her!)/organise a big thing with lots of friends and ask her along too. Good luck!
Yeah if you dont really talk to her then its bit harder, your best bet is to try and sit next to her, talk to her ,amuse her, and once you get to know her better and are comfortable with her, asking her out wont be a problem.
Reply 4
I am in year 10 and ive never had a girlfriend. Now the sets changed this year ther eis a girl that i really like. I have no confidence so i dont know how to ask her out although i really want to yet i dont want to make a fool of myself. We rarely talk and its a real downer when it comes to this. I dont actually know if she likes me.

Please can somebody help me out?


*sit down next to her*

You: "Excuse me, can I borrow a pen?" (at the start)
her: "ok"
You: "Start conversation with something witty"

You get the picture, just get the convo rolling and use it to get to know her. Be fun. Don't be lame and say things like "So, erm, do you like school?" (no no no!)
Reply 5
*sit down next to her*

"So, erm, do you like school?"

LOOOOL. Oh my, that was hilarious to imagine. Haha! Definitely don't do that one and good luck with it.
Reply 6
At school, its not as easy as simply, going to have lunch with someone, going to sit next to someone. If this guy is in year ten, chances are that the girl already has a friendship group, and to go and sit with her would be somewhat ill warranted.

It's so much easier out of school, where you can just ask someone out for a coffee, and it doesn't have to be any more than that.

Just occasionally talk to the girl, and then gradually work your way up. Worked for me.
Reply 7
t kay13
At school, its not as easy as simply, going to have lunch with someone, going to sit next to someone. If this guy is in year ten, chances are that the girl already has a friendship group, and to go and sit with her would be somewhat ill warranted.

It's so much easier out of school, where you can just ask someone out for a coffee, and it doesn't have to be any more than that.

Just occasionally talk to the girl, and then gradually work your way up. Worked for me.

...and you think that by uni things change???? :wink:
Reply 8
...and you think that by uni things change???? :wink:

Well, yes. Surely at university one can simply ask out a girl for a coffee after any number of days, and everyone can be mature about it. That simply is impossible at school.
Reply 9
t kay13
Well, yes. Surely at university one can simply ask out a girl for a coffee after any number of days, and everyone can be mature about it. That simply is impossible at school.

I'm sorry to break this to you, but that simply is not the case.

At uni, most people spend their time their groupies getting hammered.

Only mature people I know at uni are the post grads.
Reply 10
I'm sorry to break this to you, but that simply is not the case.

At uni, most people spend their time their groupies getting hammered.

Only mature people I know at uni are the post grads.

This is true. although the percentage of people doing it varies from uni to uni... It can be different at uni if you pick a girl who doesn't get hammered every night (they are there, believe it or not) and generally people have a more relaxed group of friends. However you're only in year 10, stop worrying, don't let Valentines day get you down and remember there's more to life than relationships. If you are dead set on this girl however, get to the comfortable conversation stage before you do anything else - skipping that can lead anything else to look a bit creepy.
This is true. although the percentage of people doing it varies from uni to uni... It can be different at uni if you pick a girl who doesn't get hammered every night (they are there, believe it or not) and generally people have a more relaxed group of friends. However you're only in year 10, stop worrying, don't let Valentines day get you down and remember there's more to life than relationships. If you are dead set on this girl however, get to the comfortable conversation stage before you do anything else - skipping that can lead anything else to look a bit creepy.

The ones that don't get hammered every night are always SO serious and studious!!!! Never, have I ever found a middle ground.
Reply 12
To be fair I have yet to find middle ground at my own university, tho I have found it with people from other uni's.
Reply 13
Answer his question, Jesus Christ . . .
Reply 14
t kay13
Well, yes. Surely at university one can simply ask out a girl for a coffee after any number of days, and everyone can be mature about it. That simply is impossible at school.

I'm afraid that's completely untrue. Most of the people I know at Uni have about the maturity of a 14 year old, and the girls are the worst of the lot.
I'm afraid that's completely untrue. Most of the people I know at Uni have about the maturity of a 14 year old, and the girls are the worst of the lot.

Older girls are better; 22,23,24 onwards. They actually like to spend time talking about things that are interesting, as opposed to "yeah LAWWLLLLL I GOT PROPER HAMMERED IN LIQUID LAST NIGHT" or "THERE WAS THIS GUY LOLLLL, HE WAS SO CUTE" :rolleyes: -- on top of that I find myself playing these stupid mind games with them...absolutely annoying.

Those that are between 17 - 21, you have to really act immature with them in order to build rapport and not be labelled as too "serious".
Reply 16
Damn my naive suppositions
buy her a phone or something, girls in secondary school are putting out younger and younger, throw some of that paper round loot at her and you'll have a first class ticket to BJ City.
Write notes in her maths book :X
Reply 19
Write notes in her maths book :X

Why the maths book?