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Just did a Chemistry IGCSE paper and it was pretty hard!

I just did my first chemistry past paper because I've got my mock tomorrow, and I only do the past papers at the end after revision so that I can see how I do at a time close to my exams. I found it quite challenging, and was only able to just scrape an A* mark.

There's a lot more memory involved than the double science GCSE which we were meant to be doing until it was announced we were changing to the IGCSE separate science. Well, I'll just have to hope for the best for tomorrow.

I must say, though, that timing really wasn't an issue. It's a 2 hour paper and it took me about an hour and a bit to complete. I didn't go through it because I didn't want to waste my time too much at home... But just a warning to everyone taking IGCSE separate science - take even the smallest details on the specification into careful thought and revise them thoroughly, because the little details that you might read at the side of the page of your revision guide might come up.

For those who are curious, I was revising from the "Chemistry For You" book, if you know of it...

Any comments or thoughts on methods that I could use to improve my mark in these exams requiring lots of memory. Things like colour of certain compounds - it asked me the colour of copper carbonate, for example, which is green. Any ideas or comments would be appreciated :smile:
Reply 1
If you got an A* I don't really think you have got anything to worry about!!!

If you want to do even better I find writing notes out over and over again helps me remember stuff
Reply 2
Well, my exam came out better, I'm happy to say. I was comfortably over an A* at 89%, so hopefully if I can keep improving over the next few months, I'll be able to secure an A* in the real exam :smile: