The Student Room Group


UCL must have, at some point had a crest, and must, in some obscure library, retain this crest. Does anyone know where I might find this heraldic curiosity? Or is the only logo now that corporate monstrosity? If anyone knows where I could find a picture of a UCL crest, I would be very interested, because, frankly, if King's has one, I want one too.

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??? see third paragraph ??

edit: i don't know anything about how or when UCL was founded - the above was just a googlewhack job
Reply 2
UCL must have, at some point had a crest, and must, in some obscure library, retain this crest. Does anyone know where I might find this heraldic curiosity? Or is the only logo now that corporate monstrosity? If anyone knows where I could find a picture of a UCL crest, I would be very interested, because, frankly, if King's has one, I want one too.

This is all I could find. . .
Only the medical school has a crest I think...
Reply 4
That is uncool.
Reply 5
Only the medical school has a crest I think...

Yup, looks like the case (see my link)
Whew...I thought the thread was about toothpaste.
Reply 8

But that's not exactly a crest. It's indeed a shame that UCL doesn't have a crest. That's one of the reasons I'd choose U of London degree rather than UCL degree because I like to see the beautiful U of London crest on my degree certificate.

U of London crest:
I have the UoL crest on my (first) degree certificate. It's a poor reason to chose it. UCL all the way. Don't want to be put in with that other UoL trash.
Yup, looks like the case (see my link)

or mine :rolleyes:

i got there before you. meh :p:
I know this is a bit of a while since this thread was last used, but I found the crest. Basically in my school hall they have a lot of wooden plaques with university crests on them, and I found the UCL crest and took a photo. Apologies about the quality but I took it quickly as I looked a bit stupid taking a photo of a plaque...
Cool, but I wonder if that's just for a sports team or something?
Reply 13
Cool! So we do have one!
I couldn't work out what was on the crest- part of it looks like a robot arm to me, but thanks for posting Admonitor.
Cool, but I wonder if that's just for a sports team or something?

No, they're the university crests from people who got academic scholarships or "exhibitions" from there some years ago.

Sorry it's not very clear, but it's basically an arm appearing from nowhere holding up a laurel.
Reply 16
I found a shield/coat of arms on UCL Men's Boat Club's website. It might be an adapted version of UCL's shield (ie. they probably added the oar blades). Uni Boat Clubs usually use their uni's coat of arms/shield and then add oars behind it. Also, you can see the "arms" shown in the photo Admonitor took in the top right and bottom left quarters of the shield.
Reply 17
But that's not exactly a crest. It's indeed a shame that UCL doesn't have a crest. That's one of the reasons I'd choose U of London degree rather than UCL degree because I like to see the beautiful U of London crest on my degree certificate.

U of London crest:

just out of interest, so you have seen the design of the new UCL degree certificates? what does it look like?
I'd like to know that too...
Don't think they've been designed yet. At least on the FAQ pages they say that the designs are still out for consultation.