The Student Room Group

I've actually now got diarrhea - exams in 3 hours time.

I'm a regular here and I'm just too embarassed to say this. I went to bed at 11:30 last night and for some reason got up at 05:00. I tried going back to sleep but I couldn't. I'm so nervous right now. I've got my first AS module exam in a couple of hours and I feel so scared, inferior to everyone else. I did quite well in my GCSEs but I've moved schools now and I'm even more so nervous about sitting in their hall / rooms which I'm not familar with as stupid as it sounds. But the point is, these nerves have taken control of me. I've gone to the toilet three times already - diarrhea. I'm not ill. I'm just extremely nervous to the point where I'm actually ****ing myself. I don't know what to do now. Should I bother going back to sleep? I'm supposed to get up in an hour. My first exam is at 9. Should I try and cram in some last minute revision - even though I've revised a lot? I'm more scared about the fact that I've got maths exams in the afternoon and waking up so early might increase the chances of me doing so many silly mistakes.

Please help / offer advice! I'm shaking so much right now. What should I do?

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FIRST, relax.... watch a movie, television, take a nice bath, anything! You need to relax and calm down. I personally would stop studying, you will just make your self more nervous. Then, if possible take, diahheria medicine.

Good luck- you will do great!!!!!
AS-Levels are easy and you have June this year, or January and June next year to resit the exams if you have to. Just chill out.
It's probably just caused by stress and the more you freak out the less likely it will get better. How long is the exam? 2-3 hours? Trust me, Once you sit down in there, with your concentration on the paper, you will have no problems at all. Try and get some sleep now, but if you can't, then dont just lay there...get up and do something, not nesessarily study. Good luck.
Reply 4
well my advice is to first calm down, the reason you have been going to the toilet so much is because you are extremely nervous. try to have breakfast, take your mind of it for a while, and revise in your head, but don’t make yourself worry too much as you have revised a lot, so you should be fine.

as for the whole new thing. it isn’t that new, it will be a hall (maybe it will be cold so i advice to wear something warmer and no hoods, they are not allowed). There will be a lot people in there, some might be doing a biology exam (or whatever exam they have at the same time as you), so yeah make sure you know which time your exam ends. i personally advice you to go early look around the exam hall, get a bit comfortable. don’t be scared its nothing new, just different. Read all the instructions on the paper, and what the invigilators tell you, you can ask for help, or water if you have problem, they are there to help.

i hope i helped. good luck. you will do great.
Reply 5
Well to be honest it sounds like going back to bed would be a waste of time, you're not going to sleep much. And revising would equally be quite difficult atm as you're not going to absorb much. Nerves can wreck your digestive system, nigh on everyone's been there.

First off you want to do something that'll relax you. Have a steaming hot bath, and put on some music to take your mind off things while your at it.

When you've done that watch this. If this doesn't make you feel better nothing will.

and this:

and then this:

After that you should hopefully be feeling alot better. :smile:
Reply 6
just relax and take it easy. pop in a movie, read a good book. don't try to cram, it may make you worse. good luck on your exams. i'm sure you'll do fine.
Good Luck you will be fine! Keep youself well hydrated now though.
Reply 8
Well to be honest it sounds like going back to bed would be a waste of time, you're not going to sleep much. And revising would equally be quite difficult atm as you're not going to absorb much. Nerves can wreck your digestive system, nigh on everyone's been there.

First off you want to do something that'll relax you. Have a steaming hot bath, and put on some music to take your mind off things while your at it.

When you've done that watch this. If this doesn't make you feel better nothing will.

and this:

and then this:

After that you should hopefully be feeling alot better. :smile:

Ahahahha IT Crowd ROCKS!!!:biggrin:
Reply 9
This used to happen to me a lot. Best thing is to try and have some digestive tea or something to calm your stomach like bread. You could try immodium but I never have so I don't know how effective it is.

Hope it went okay.

I've had trouble sleeping ever since my GCSE's. Now I just think- well even if you don't sleep you've always done well. I actually got 6-7 hours last night as opposed to my usual 0-5.
Reply 10
Take some immodiums
Reply 11
If you're still around, have a good lunch, try eat slow release energy food, then you will keep your energy up for your maths exam. seriously though, you're going to be great.

My bf of a year broke up with me a week before my exams, I was a complete state, I did no revision I stayed up till 4 or 5 in the morning every night...I passed all my exams. and I just resat two modules in june. Like someone else said, you have june, then jan and june next year too if you need to resit!

good luck :smile:
Reply 12
noro virus strikes again

If i were you, id use it to my advantage :wink:
Reply 13
And let me guess: you're ****ting yourself?
Reply 14
And let me guess: you're ****ting yourself?

someone evidently didnt read through the whole post :rolleyes: (he/she mentioned that little gag already).

Reply 15
someone evidently didnt read through the whole post :rolleyes: (he/she mentioned that little gag already).


Of course not. What do you take me for; someone that cares?
Reply 16
Of course not. What do you take me for; someone that cares?

Reading the original post would've been necessary to ensure your 'joke' was original, which is all it could have had going for it.
Reply 17
Of course not. What do you take me for; someone that cares?

nope, just a post count/rep whore (not to be taken offensively of course :smile: )
Reply 18
Roffle. I hope the OP was ok
Reply 19
Reading the original post would've been necessary to ensure your 'joke' was original, which is all it could have had going for it.

See above.