The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I have an interview with DB very soon as well and I am having the same problem. Unsure about what the first interview will be like. Competency based? General Chat/Informal?. Lol I have never been good with interviews so very scared. Anyway good Luck to you mate!!
Reply 2
I have one on 22nd of Jan. Someone I know had one long ago when I hadn't even applied and told me it was almost all technical questions. It should normally be competency based although I think it does depend a lot on the interviewer. So do be prepared for some technical ones especially if you've taken any finance or accounting related courses.
Reply 3
I had mine today for ECM: it was HARD!!!!

i never expected it to be like what it was today. mine was completely technical
DCF, Markets, interest rates cuts in usa, why "specifically" did the markets fall yesterday. brain teasers.

Im about to cry!!!!:frown:
Reply 4
I had mine today for ECM: it was HARD!!!!

i never expected it to be like what it was today. mine was completely technical
DCF, Markets, interest rates cuts in usa, why "specifically" did the markets fall yesterday. brain teasers.

Im about to cry!!!!:frown:

Sounds awful! Did you have to do a numeracy test at the first round? Hope you get through to the second round.
Reply 5
there wasnt a numeracy test...and unfortunately i didnt get through
Reply 6
by the way for deutsche bank they do the numeracy test at the beginning of the final round, just before your interviews.
Reply 7
Urgh...just got back from my Deutsche Bank 1st Round "Competancy based" interview.

Questions included:

1.) "We all know about the liquidity crisis. Explain the consequences to the economy of to much liquidity in the market?"

2.) How would you go about valuing a car company?

3.) Define "cash flow." (in the context of Discounted Cash Flow Analysis.)

4.) What are the benefits of a company financing its activity via equity/debt.

5.) Which is more expensive Equity or Debt? Justify your answer.

7.) What do you expect to do on a day to day basis as a summer analyst?

8.) How have your communication skills developed?

6.) Why should we NOT employ you?

Needless to say, I'm expecting a rejection soon enough.

Other students were from HEC Paris, Bocconi, ESADE Barcelona, Cambridge, Oxford, Bristol and suprisingly the USA.
Reply 8
sounds like you had a ball lol, good luck anyways though you never know
wot did u say to 6
I talked about how I can often be a perfectionist, and demand high levels of performance, attention to detail and precision from myself...this can sometimes make me take a little bit longer on certain things.

However, i have tried to offset this negative aspect of performance by creating self-imposed deadlines on my self (i.e.) time manage better. Gave an example of how I used to write my law essays at university over a period of sometimes 3 weeks-month...due to my need to make the essay "perfect." Now however I have created self-imposed deadlines to write my essays at university over an "intense" 3 day period - research 1 day, writing 1 day and checking 1 day - this has enchanced my ability to be accurate first time....tried to throw in a joke about how the perfect golf swing has become an obsession of mine...they laughed but then I could swear they looked at one another with a sense of pity.
Reply 11
good answer :smile: what you applying for btw?
GBM - Corporate Finance.
Reply 13
i reckon you got a reallly difficult interviewer there mate..especially for you first interview. a lot of technical questions. wish you the best of luck.
Well, looking at netserpents experiance it seems quite common!
Reply 15
they asked me that company valuation question too.

didi they ask you brain teasers???