The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
20 this year and haven't slept with anyone yet
Reply 2
I'm 20, and I've slept with 1.
Reply 3
17, uno.
Reply 4
18 and slept with 1
omgosh am I too old for this poll? *is twenty*
18 and slept with 13. was pretty surprised when i added them up, hadn't realised it'd grown to that many lol. but threesomes make your count jump up a bit i guess.
but from my mates, seems there's quite a few virgins and quite a lot in double figures +.
Reply 7
nah if ure 20 you can enter :smile:
18, slept with 6. I think that's an ok number, personally....
17 and one guy who I love dearly:smile:
18 and slept with 13. was pretty surprised when i added them up, hadn't realised it'd grown to that many lol. but threesomes make your count jump up a bit i guess.
but from my mates, seems there's quite a few virgins and quite a lot in double figures +.

Someone has a bit of shame being anon there.
Im just wondering like whats the norm?

You won't find the norm on this forum full of people who work too hard/play the internet too much, the players will be out there playing not answering your post.
cant edit as anon so I'll add here - regret 2 of that 13. both drunken incidents. no regrets about the others even if some would disapprove just based on a number and say I've been about too much.
To be honest how many people actually tell the truth
Reply 14
2, and i'm 20 this year.
^sooo.... you're making this anon....why?

EDIT: sorry, people posted in between! meant for anon poster (obviously :smile: )
Rock Fan
Someone has a bit of shame being anon there.

lol fair assumption but no. simply that i believe it's called my 'private life' for a reason. i may do a lot but i don't talk about what i do. nice to be judged as being ashamed though :wink:
Reply 17
2 and I'm 18 :smile:
Rock Fan
To be honest how many people actually tell the truth

It's an anonymous poll..why would somebody lie ?:s-smilie:
i'm 19 and i've slept with far far too many. when i was 12 i got raped by a good friend and after that i started to sleep with random strangers to try to make sex feel how it should do. i don't want to vote in the poll because it would upset the statistics.

if you count people I've slept with that i genuinely liked and wanted to then it's 3. 2 males in long term relationships and one was a good female friend (that i regretted when she turned out to be a bit of a psycho stalker)

mods: if you can't keep it anon delete it!