Ok, so this annoys me hugely. He wants GP surgeries to open on weekends and evenings, but refuses to give them any more money...doesn't anyone else see this as wrong? It's easy to see all the news stories and think that GPs are getting paid hundreds of thousands to do sod all, but my dad is a GP and I know it's all rubbish. For one thing, GPs in general get paid far less than the headlines say. The surgery where my dad works is open from 9-6, I think this is definitely reasonable considering that he gets to work by half 8 and doesn't come home usually til half 7 because of paperwork. Under Gordon Brown's new contract, they'll have to stay open to 8 or 9...which means my dad will get to work at 8.30 am and will have to stay til 10 or later every night (because of the increase in appointments = increase in paperwork) - all for no extra pay. He gets Saturdays off usually, but will have to work probably from 9-6 on Saturdays now, again for no extra pay. If people really need to see the doctor surely they can manage to make an appointment between 9-6 in the week, or use the weekend Locum system? If your problem is so serious you can't wait then people should just go to hospital. I don't see how Gordon Brown can think that forcing doctors to work so hard they end up burning out will help the NHS. It's also a kick in the head for my dad, who trained as a GP specifically to spend more time with his family.