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Reply 1
It's taking place about a half hour walk or 7 minute bus ride from where I'm sat but that's about as far as my involvement in it goes. I wasn't even aware of it. I'm a university undergraduate though so I doubt I'd have been invited
Reply 2
It's taking place about a half hour walk or 7 minute bus ride from where I'm sat but that's about as far as my involvement in it goes. I wasn't even aware of it. I'm a university undergraduate though so I doubt I'd have been invited

yeah, its a school thing
Reply 3
Which Kingswood?
Reply 4
Which Kingswood?

Kingswood in Bath hence the Bath MUN title
Reply 5
Kingswood in Bath hence the Bath MUN title

Blonde moment.
Reply 6
yes i am.......
HABS is sending a South Africa and a Israel Delegations

I am security council for SA
Reply 7
im indonesia ME yay!
and indonesia here too yay!
Political Committee for Algeria. :smile:
I was just curious, how many ppl have actually done MUN in real life?
Reply 10
nope I'm too old :wink: Hope you all have a great time though
nope I'm too old :wink: Hope you all have a great time though

Old? :rolleyes:

I was just curious, how many ppl have actually done MUN in real life?
in answer to Thirucumaran's question - I have done MUN twice in real life, once back home as a representative of East Timor, and the second at the Hague in Holland as a representative of the WHO.
Reply 13
Old? :rolleyes:

Because its a school thing and I'm at Uni so would be too old. Not trying to be rude or saying that 20's is old :wink:
Reply 14
im a soon to be five times MUNer XD ive been Bulgaria, Lebanon, Ghana, Sudan and will be Indonesia @ this years BISMUN. YAY for MUN!
the second at the Hague in Holland as a representative of the WHO.

wow, that's totally cool!
im a soon to be five times MUNer XD ive been Bulgaria, Lebanon, Ghana, Sudan and will be Indonesia @ this years BISMUN. YAY for MUN!

That's awesome man, ur really lucky! Our school joined MUN when I was doing O/Level and so I got to do it for only 2 years! :frown:
Reply 17
I've never done any MUn apart from this :frown:
Reply 18
I've never done any MUn apart from this :frown:

Neither have I! :hugs:
I've never done any MUn apart from this :frown:

I feel quite left out. :frown: