The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I got 3 As from my first year of a-level, and i wish to do maths and stats at oxford, but because i only had 3 AS subjects, would it be a serious problem for me to apply to oxford :confused: ?

Is it possible for you to do another AS in year 13?
Reply 2
What are your 3 AS subjects?
Reply 3
I got 3 As from my first year of a-level, and i wish to do maths and stats at oxford, but because i only had 3 AS subjects, would it be a serious problem for me to apply to oxford :confused: ?

u can still be accpeted even if u only did three AS subjects, as long as it was beocz ur school cudnt offer a 4th one. if u chose not to take a 4th AS, then it will be a problem.
also, those three AS ones u did need to be strong subjects. so basically no 'mickey mouse' subjects.
u can still be accpeted even if u only did three AS subjects, as long as it was beocz ur school cudnt offer a 4th one. if u chose not to take a 4th AS, then it will be a problem.

My friend only took 3AS's, despite the school telling us that this was the option for weaker candidates, and most people taking 4. She continued the 3 to A2, got 3 A grades and got into oxford. They don't specify that you take 4 AS's, and with the number of people being rejected with 4 or 5 A's shows that an enthusiasm for the subject is just as highly valued.
Anyway, hope this helps you.
Reply 5
the subjects were economics, maths, physics. :smile:
Reply 6
you should be fine, most applicants have 4 Alevels to offer, but seeing as the standard offers include only 3 subjects, you shouldn't have too much of a problem. yur subjects are nice and traditional and academic as well, which they will like. good luck
Reply 7
Thanks to everyone. :smile: