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Fillings at the dentist

I am going to the dentist tomorrow to get a couple of fillings, and in honesty im petrified - i hate injections in general, but i can deal with them if necessary, the main problem is that i've had anasthetic in my mouth before and it was so so painful and im really not looking forward to it tomorrow.. I'm also quite squeamish about people yanking at my teeth.

I've never had fillings before, so heres a question for those who have - is there any chance they will give me a general anasthetic? as opposed to just a local injection in my mouth? I really am that scared about it...

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You'll get a local. I don't like injections either but it's a really small needle into your gum and it doesn't hurt at all :smile:
Reply 2
Jonah Ramone
You'll get a local. I don't like injections either but it's a really small needle into your gum and it doesn't hurt at all :smile:

It bloody well does hurt (depending on where they need to inject):mad: I've had loads of them and hate them. They always hurt me.

To the OP the pain is sharp and only lasts a second or two, i always make sure i've got some tissue in my hand to dig my nails into.
Reply 3
yeah i know they hurt as i had a few when i was younger.. so dont worry about trying to calm me down by saying they dont hurt!

i know im being irrational, but i really am scared :frown:

apparently the dentists arent qualified to general anasthetics (is that true?) which i guess makes sense - but what about proper hysterical people who need stuff done? how they do it then?
Reply 4

apparently the dentists arent qualified to general anasthetics (is that true?) which i guess makes sense - but what about proper hysterical people who need stuff done? how they do it then?

You wont be given a general as you need an anethastist present.

If you are really bad you can get something like valium (usually off your doctor) to take for the procedure.

I dont like needles either and know i need a filling replaced when i go next month but there's not alot i can do about it so i just put up with the pain otherwise i'll just end up needing more work done.
Reply 5
I guess its a bit late now, but how would the valium work?
Reply 6
Some dentists will give you a sedation- my Dad went under sedation when he needed something done. He had to go to another dentist though :s-smilie:
Reply 7
do you know why and how he had the general anesthetic?
hmm I had a filling and I never needed an anastetic
I had a tooth out when i was younger and was that afraid of the needle they cancelled and sent me to a special clinic to have a general anishetic.
i'm not so bad now but they did it cause i was in hysterics, not letting the dentist touch me and screaming a lot.
Reply 10
You could try asking the dentist to give you two injections instead of one. I know this sounds crazy, but if he numbs up the area with a tiny injection and after a couple of minutes puts in the actual one, you will hardly feel the bigger needle.

There's also the possibility that you will not need any injections, if the holes aren't deep enough.

You will not be given a general anesthetic, as you'd need an anesthesia nurse present. Plus it's potentially dangerous to you.

I'm also quite scared of injections, due to being forcefully given one as a kid. Dentists' injections are still way better than blood tests!
Reply 11
I had a couple of fillings in December and the first time the injection didn't hurt at all but the second time it did. I doubt you will get a general anesthetic but the injections are not so bad, just close your eyes and it will be over in a few seconds.

All you really have to worry about is your mouth drooping down from one side and dribbling like a moron for a few hours.
Reply 12
yeah i know they hurt as i had a few when i was younger.. so dont worry about trying to calm me down by saying they dont hurt!

i know im being irrational, but i really am scared :frown:

apparently the dentists arent qualified to general anasthetics (is that true?) which i guess makes sense - but what about proper hysterical people who need stuff done? how they do it then?

We get referred to special clinics with two year waiting lists while the problem just gets worse. At least in my experience!
I am going to the dentist tomorrow to get a couple of fillings, and in honesty im petrified - i hate injections in general, but i can deal with them if necessary, the main problem is that i've had anasthetic in my mouth before and it was so so painful and im really not looking forward to it tomorrow.. I'm also quite squeamish about people yanking at my teeth.

I've never had fillings before, so heres a question for those who have - is there any chance they will give me a general anasthetic? as opposed to just a local injection in my mouth? I really am that scared about it...

it won't be general. the local stings a bit but doesn;t hurt too much. i think you have to make a decision - have the fillings and a bit of short term pain or don't have the fillings and let your teeth get worse and worse, resulting in more damage and pain later on.
I was at the dentist today and had a tooth out - I have your problem, I was going to ask about a general anaethetic as I'm petrified of pain!? But I didn't ask as I don't think they're too keen on giving them, not in the vlinic and it'd probably cost a lot. I get over it by hurting myself, I end up with bloody nail marks in my hand for 2 days after lol I'm always shaking coming out!
Reply 15
I'm absolutely terrified of the dentist - I can't even cope with check ups without being lightly sedated first.

So, if I do actually need any work done, I have to go to a special dental anaesthetic clinic. I was put under very, very heavy sedation via an injection in my hand (which did hurt, but nowhere near as bad as those ones in your mouth!) and then maintained with gas throughout. I don't remember a thing about the procedure apart from laughing as I went under and laughing as I came round!

Generally a far nicer experience - they will refer you if you are that bad :smile:
do you know why and how he had the general anesthetic?

Cos he's a picky git.
Not sure how it was administered- I have a different dentist.

Seriously though, a local ain't so bad.
I have a severe dental phobia and as such when I need work I have to go to the hospital to get it done!
I've had a few fillings in my time, and I've not ONCE felt a needle. Fillings usually don't require anaesthetics....
Reply 19
I cannot comprehend the prevalence of 'dentist-phobia'. At all. It's ****ing ridiculous.