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Anyone rejected by UCL but accepted by LSE?

Today I got rejected by UCL for Economics (L100) and am still waiting on a reply from LSE for Government and Economics (LL12). I was just wondering if anyone who was rejected by UCL and then was accepted by LSE for any course, any year since I 'm curious about my chances on getting accepted. The other day a friend of mine got rejected from Durham but accepted by Oxford so I know its possible for things like that to happen but I'm just wondering if it has happened for anyone in relation to the unis in question. Thanks in advance...
Reply 1
It's definitely still possible, the amount of applications these unis receive means there must be some degree of luck involved even if you are successful. Quite a few people i know got rejected from Durham, UCL and places like that, but got into Oxbridge.
Reply 2
LSE must make a few mistakes like that ... ;p
I got rejected from UCL European Social and Political Studies, but was accepted for LSE Social Anthropology. ESPS is much more competitive, though - there's only 7 places for French for UK students :frown:

It can happen, don't worry!
Reply 4
Yes, rejected for econ at UCL, offer at LSE for econ & econ hist last year
Reply 5
yea lots of ppl get rejected from UCL but get into LSE... dont worry about it. it might have been cus ur ps was more split between Gov and Eco so it may work out in ur favour for LSE.

but im surprised ucl have replied to you so early after christmas. i went straight to check my email when i read that..but nothing yet.
Reply 6
yea lots of ppl get rejected from UCL but get into LSE... dont worry about it. it might have been cus ur ps was more split between Gov and Eco so it may work out in ur favour for LSE.

but im surprised ucl have replied to you so early. i went straight to check my email when i read that..but nothing yet.

I have this theory that the unis have started competing less and sharing more 0-o

They do it in batches, 1 more batch of econ to come round I think (may be 2) so your result should be in the next month or two.
Reply 7
Rejected by UCL, but got an offer from LSE (L100 - Economics)
Reply 8
I'm studying law at LSE at the moment, but i got rejected from UCL =P
well it may well just be the numbers... many more people apply for Economics than the Government and Economics, plus LSE has its shortlist system where you need more than a certain number of A* to get onto it...
so you could have more chance, as many people that got offers from UCL mightn't have even got onto the shortlist, and many others will be rejected outright from LSE too, who had interviews for UCL but not offers.

Didn't realise ESPS was THAT competitive at UCL by the way... I know there are only 40 places... but 7 for French for UK students? And they said that I was a rare case and could combine French AND German... :O
*wishes he could go both to UCL and Oxford now*
Reply 10
Sorry to bring this old tread up, but was wondering whether anyone has been both rejected from UCL but accepted at LSE appling for entry in 2010? I got rejected from UCL today but am still waiting for LSE.
I got rejected from UCL but got LSE for Economics last year so I wouldn't worry about it too much.
There was a rumour circulating last year that the London Unis communicate between each other, so one rejects and the other gives an offer in order to avoid wasting offers apparently... believe what you want :p:
Reply 12
WELL, I got rejected by UCL and offered for Law by KCL and LSE.

To be honest, I find this bizarre; UCL rejected me 'on account of my LNAT', yet Kings, the only other uni I applied to that takes the LNAT into account, but still part of the University of London and still a very good Law School, gave me an offer last week :s-smilie:

I think it's wrong to just assume a rejection from one is a rejection from all of them ( as I initially did - UCL came first!)
Reply 13
I got rejected from UCL but got LSE for Economics last year so I wouldn't worry about it too much.
There was a rumour circulating last year that the London Unis communicate between each other, so one rejects and the other gives an offer in order to avoid wasting offers apparently... believe what you want :p:

if that's true i hope LSE and UCL are fighting over me at the moment :cool:
and i hope LSE wins :ahee: :nutcase:
Reply 14
I got rejected by UCL economics and accepted by LSE for International Relations. dont worry, if you r good it can happen. plus economics in UCL has insane competition
I got rejected by UCL economics and accepted by LSE for International Relations. dont worry, if you r good it can happen. plus economics in UCL has insane competition

LSE takes it to another level.
Reply 16
Happened to me. Meh, UCL sucks anyway.