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seems a bit stupid to pay loads just for a named brand of something you're just gona stick up your vagina, so I get own brand ones, like asda own brand or superdrug own brand etc.

the price of tampax and lil-lets is incredible!
whatever's on offer.
Well I use Lil-lets now and they're great! I tried Tampax but couldn't use them really, or didn't like them... least I think it was them ones. I think I'll try an own brand one though next time, just for the price and see what they're like.
I use tampax compac or similar. Boots have a version. Because its easy. I really dont mind thoug. I used to use lil lets
Tampax compac and all that type are my favourite. I'm afraid I'm a fan of plastic applicators, although that's probably not eco friendly at all :frown:

I'll use any in an emergency though. And if a particular type is on offer, I'm there :p:
Lilets or Boots own brand which expand widthways as well.
Tampax compac and all that type are my favourite. I'm afraid I'm a fan of plastic applicators, although that's probably not eco friendly at all :frown:

I'll use any in an emergency though. And if a particular type is on offer, I'm there :p:

In agreement with the plastic applicators, they are the best.
I want a moonup
lil-lets, don't know why. Just because I am used to them I guess, and applicators annoy me.
Reply 10
lil-lets. I like the box...
I just buy asda own brand usually, or superdrugs depending on where I go. They're so much cheaper and to be honest I swear they're all the same ones in different boxes! I can't tell the difference anyway, work on the theory that I'm just going to bin it in the end!
I want a moonup

I just googled that, because I'd never heard of it. Found out they're called Mooncups :p: Anyhow, they actually seem like a really good idea! I kinda like the idea of reusing them, cos I always feel guilty - the amount of tampons and pads that get dumped on landfill sites, it's not good :frown:

It's a shame they're so expensive - I couldn't spend £18 on a glorified tampon, just to find out that I don't like it..
Reply 13
I like lilets, they expand widthways so absorb more, i found that tampax expanded lengthways and used to sorta come out of me, which was uncomfortable
Reply 14
aye, lil-lets ftw! tampax never absorbed very well (with me anyway)...

I would well like to get a mooncup. If I ever told my bf I think it would gross him out wellll too much. Hopefully I would like it, and I would save loads of money not buying tampons :yy:
Reply 15
Lil-lets! Preferably non-applicator, too.

I hate it when it's an emergency and the only brand sold in the shop is Tampax. They seem to leak more because they go lengthways instead of widthways - who on Earth thought it would be a good idea to make a tampon get longer!?

Hmm, I might consider using a mooncup when I'm at home, but think that tampons will still be easier if I'm out of the house...
tampax compac 'cause they're the only sort I've found where the applicator doesn't get squashed in your handbag. wish i was more eco friendly but I figure I'll just make up for that in other ways lol.
are there any other sorts (preferably cheaper!) that can also survive handbags and still be useable?
Tampax Compac. They're nice and handy, and to be honest, I don't even know what lil-lets is :s-smilie:

I don't shop comparison-shop for tampons.
I just googled that, because I'd never heard of it. Found out they're called Mooncups :p: Anyhow, they actually seem like a really good idea! I kinda like the idea of reusing them, cos I always feel guilty - the amount of tampons and pads that get dumped on landfill sites, it's not good :frown:

It's a shame they're so expensive - I couldn't spend £18 on a glorified tampon, just to find out that I don't like it..

Think of it as an investment. They can last years. Think how much money you save on pads and tampons every month. I'm going to get one when I get my ema bonus
I like tampax compac, so much nicer with the plastic applicator. i've not had the expanding length-ways problem :s: thats wierd :s: they do expand widthways tho.

Mooncups I like the idea of but I would have to buy a pan especially for it to sterilise it cause it would gross me out using the same pan for food!! I'm not sure whether it'd be uncomfortable or not, plus would have to use pads during the night and I hate them, they're so uncomfortable! I dont know how I survived those school years using them, yuck!