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AQA Physics A - Derivation of the kinetic theory equation

I've noticed this is on the syllabus but ive not come across any questions asking you to derive the equation so far (the pV = 1/3 Nmc^2). The steps to get this are horrible and Ive tried to learn them but i just cant :s-smilie: .

I was wondering if its worth learning this at all (i know its a bit close to the exam anyway...) or should I just take a risk and hope that it doesnt come up on the exam? And if it does come up, what sort of questions could I expect?

Reply 1
=/ I hope not, there are a gazillion steps.

I think that as long as you know what comes out at the end, it's all fine. But I think that you should make sure that you know what sort of principles are involved.

Make sure you know the assumptions you make when you apply the equation, they can come up sometimes.

Mmmm.. will go and have a think about more.
The cgp guide explains it very clearly and as long as you state the assumptions of an ideal gas and draw the diagram there is only 4 lines of equation you need to. Memorise which makes it easier
(edited 3 years ago)