OK, here goes, posting anon as its a bit gross. I've always had a problem with blackheads on my nose and chin and I used to just squeeze them out as they appeared until I read somewhere that you shouldn't because your fingernails damage the skin.
Anyway, until now I was just leaving them and covering them with makeup when I went out, but I was in Boots and saw this blackhead removal tool, which is like a tiny spoon with a hole. The idea is that you push the skin around the blackhead down with the spoon and the blackhead comes up out of the hole in the middle.
It seems to have worked too well, I got rid of all my blackheads, but in the fleshy part of my nose next to my cheek a huge one came out - it was about 4mm long and as thick as a piece of spaghetti - surely that's not normal for blackheads? Anyway, I know they usually leave a hole in your skin that closes up afterwards, but it's been three days and I still have this hole where it used to be. Any ideas what to do - I hope I don't have to waste my GP's time dealing with a blackhead.