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I'm not sure how, but I'm quite certain that they hatch in your hair.
You catch them through close contact with someone carrying them already, they can jump between heads, lay their eggs and then their eggs hatch, you then pass them on to someone else etc etc. That's why there are often outbreaks in primary schools!

But can headlice breathe underwater? Because if they can't then surely you can just immerse your scalp in water (e.g. when you're lying in the bath) and they would all drown.
Reply 3
They can move from head to head by contact.

Once one is on board, it'll bury into your head and lay eggs. Which is why it itches.

Reply 4
yes but how does it get on our heads in the first place?
Recently been tested with the shampoo and comb but all clear. There was an outbreak (Makes it sound like a major disease) at my brothers primary school so the family had to go through the process of weird smelling shmapoos and intense combing.

They seem to spread incredibly easily as primary schools are pretty much shut down because of it.
Reply 6
we say it is passed on by contact, but how does it get on that person passing it on in the first place? What is the root cause of the generation of head lice?
I think they can get on just by even sharing the same comb. Or just usual stuff, like beds..
Reply 8
but how do they get on the combs or anywhere?
You catch them through close contact with someone carrying them already, they can jump between heads, lay their eggs and then their eggs hatch, you then pass them on to someone else etc etc. That's why there are often outbreaks in primary schools!

But can headlice breathe underwater? Because if they can't then surely you can just immerse your scalp in water (e.g. when you're lying in the bath) and they would all drown.

they don't drown easily. when i was younger i put one in a cup of water and it was still moving for about 2 days.

my brothers used to set fire to them as well and it took ages for them to die from that.

if i ever get them now i use an electrocuting comb. kills the eggs and everything :smile:

to the op: i think you'll find they came about like any other species. hey never die out because there practically isn't a way to make sure that would happen. even a worldwide combing session isn't guaranteed to work.
if you get them they're likely to come from someone you've had contact with. and it doesn't need to be as close as you'd think. they are really good at jumping.
I assume by using their legs........

Almost walking onto the pillow, falling out of hair or being forced onto a comb by being scooped up almost.
Yeah, and not washing your hair is probably an incentive for them to crawl on too.

So yeah, they use their legs..I like to just think of them as woodlice. Or whatever they're called.
Reply 12
allllrighty then
Yeah, and not washing your hair is probably an incentive for them to crawl on too.

So yeah, they use their legs..I like to just think of them as woodlice. Or whatever they're called.

head lice prefer clean hair, it's easier for them to grip on to.
oh, that's definitely a shock. I always thought it was clean hair that was prone to lice.
they don't drown easily. when i was younger i put one in a cup of water and it was still moving for about 2 days.

my brothers used to set fire to them as well and it took ages for them to die from that.

if i ever get them now i use an electrocuting comb. kills the eggs and everything :smile:

Cunning little bastards aren't they?

Hmm if I ever get them again I think I might try lying in the bath for 2 days...although they might like crawl onto my face...oh ew ew ew!
Reply 16
head lice prefer clean hair, it's easier for them to grip on to.

very true
Reply 17
Did anyone ever have headlice?

I used to have a bit of a phobia about them, and the idea of parasites generally. Was never actually infested though.
i had them SO MANY times when i was younger. always at the worst times, like when we were going to go away on holiday or something. havn't had them for ages thou thank god
Reply 19
They come from the grotty kid ih the corner of the classroom who's constantly itching and is just plotting ways to kill insects. That or Jesus - It's like a miniature version of where the universe came from. 1st cause and all that