The Student Room Group

Last minute tips for Bleep Test? (Please Help)

Hi everyone.

I have a very important bleep test (some of you may have read a previous different post of mine) in around about three days time (Monday evening). I have been injured for a number of weeks and so am not in the best of fitness states, and so therefore need to maximise my score as much as possible.

If anybody can give me some advice for what to do over the next few days and for the day of the test, then it would unspeakably appreciated. Anything to do with training, eating, drinking, warming-up, technique when running the test ... really anything that could help maximise my score.

I will add that I have a long training session on Sunday which is unavoidable, but I'm just going to have to work around this.

Thanks. I look forward to hearing from you asap if you have any possible advice. I will be in your debt forever!
Reply 1
Try to do as little as possible on Sunday, avoid fatigue as best you can. If you think you can recover in time from a run today (Saturday) then do that.

During the test, just don't stop running. Obviously relax during the lower stages and take as long as you have between the bleeps.
Reply 2
to start with, the bleeps are ages apart, dont over do it to begin with. you can almost walk the first ones.

as it gets harder, keep a solid breathing rythm. from the start, take huge deep breathes and maintain throughout. this way, your body "'knows' how much oxygen it has to play with and will adapt accordingly.

and be competative, if there is someone else doing it you know will do well, try beat them.
Reply 3
If you can, try to run with someone of a similar fitness level to you, so you can both pace yourselves and keep each other going. The majority of the bleep test depends on your mental stamina as opposed to physical factors, so persuading each other to keep going will hopefully be quite a boost.
Agree with suuuuuuseh.

Keep with someone who is around or a little bit fitter than you. Do not pick someone less fitter than you cause he he/she drops out then you're lost.

Keep with him/her and keep determined no matter what. If the person drops out then i think you could maybe do a few more than see how tired you are.

Have fun :smile:
Reply 5
Thanks for the advice anyone.

Does anybody have any adivce on what I should be eating and drinking today and tomorrow (the test is in the evening)? Thanks.
Reply 6
Hi, can anyone help? I have a bleep test to do this day week, I am required to get at least level 8.6, I tested myself this evening to see what level I would get to and I stopped at 5.0!!!!ahhh help!! is there anything I can do to improve it and is there any good sports drinks etc that would really give me the required boost to pass ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????//:confused:
Reply 7
Original post by NORTHERN15

Original post by NORTHERN15
Hi, can anyone help? I have a bleep test to do this day week, I am required to get at least level 8.6, I tested myself this evening to see what level I would get to and I stopped at 5.0!!!!ahhh help!! is there anything I can do to improve it and is there any good sports drinks etc that would really give me the required boost to pass ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????//:confused:

nahhh not really now.. don't waste money on red bull or whatever, because its an aerobic test.
Hopefully the adrenaline on the day will push you through
Are you going to be doing it on your own or with a group. When i'm jogging on my own i can barely do a lap. When im with a group i perform best because of the competition and not wanting to look lazy etc. I think its a mental thing because my friends say it as well so relax a bit make sure your muscles are relaxed and eat your carbs and make sure you take a dump the night before... Sounds weird but i read it online. and please wear the correct shoes, depending on where you are going to be running on.
Just eat clean, eat healthy and keep hydrated. On the morning of the test have pasta for breakfast. Don't eat or drink an hour before the test. What level do you need to reach?
Reply 10
Make sure you don't tire yourself out early on by making sure you're hitting the beeps right on in the beginning.
Original post by tc123
Hi everyone.

I have a very important bleep test (some of you may have read a previous different post of mine) in around about three days time (Monday evening). I have been injured for a number of weeks and so am not in the best of fitness states, and so therefore need to maximise my score as much as possible.

If anybody can give me some advice for what to do over the next few days and for the day of the test, then it would unspeakably appreciated. Anything to do with training, eating, drinking, warming-up, technique when running the test ... really anything that could help maximise my score.

I will add that I have a long training session on Sunday which is unavoidable, but I'm just going to have to work around this.

Thanks. I look forward to hearing from you asap if you have any possible advice. I will be in your debt forever!

Rest up the day before.

Eat well and get some carbs in the morning of the test.

Use the time between beeps as best you can (i.e. don't be a prick and run like **** on the lower levels cos there ain't no prize for finishing before the beep).

Enjoy it!
Reply 12
I have a bleep test on Wednesday the 24th for the army and I have to get 10.2...any tips on training or the test itself would be much appreciated! :smile:
Original post by ldren96
I have a bleep test on Wednesday the 24th for the army and I have to get 10.2...any tips on training or the test itself would be much appreciated! :smile:

The best approach is just to do the bleep test over and over again and make sure you rest on the Tuesday.
Original post by tc123
Hi everyone.

I have a very important bleep test (some of you may have read a previous different post of mine) in around about three days time (Monday evening). I have been injured for a number of weeks and so am not in the best of fitness states, and so therefore need to maximise my score as much as possible.

If anybody can give me some advice for what to do over the next few days and for the day of the test, then it would unspeakably appreciated. Anything to do with training, eating, drinking, warming-up, technique when running the test ... really anything that could help maximise my score.

I will add that I have a long training session on Sunday which is unavoidable, but I'm just going to have to work around this.

Thanks. I look forward to hearing from you asap if you have any possible advice. I will be in your debt forever!

How did you get on?
Reply 15
just take a multi and lift heavy bro
Reply 16
I got 8.4 in my beep test. Which really good for me Run lightly. Always be positive if you have negative mindset it will be difficult. Motivate yourself or be distracted. Make a goal. I have my beep test coming up so wish me luck.
TIPS: DONT DO IT! If you want to get out of it make your nose bleed in the middle of it.This is a homicide that your gym teachers are trying to lure you into. If you can, wear UGGS that day. Also
Original post by beep.test.hater
TIPS: DONT DO IT! If you want to get out of it make your nose bleed in the middle of it.This is a homicide that your gym teachers are trying to lure you into. If you can, wear UGGS that day. Also

This thread is 11 years old... :smile: