I have the exact same. God I thought it was just me! I'm Coeliac for about 8/9 years and I had those symptoms for the last year or so. I was etchnically diagnosed with IBS but I don't really believe in that as a disease or condition as its only if they find nothing else... But anyway, I just try to eat plain foods - things like jelly babies which I got a craving for last night are awful for me!? Any more than 2 and I look pregnant lol I eat most things with fibre in them, a fair bit of fruit, fibre glutenfree bread, alongside a raisin addiction but I still get like that. Peppermint tea for me makes me feel better pretty quick. I know they are articles that too much can make you constipated but I don't exactly overdose on the stuff!
Big meals of anything do it to me as well.