The Student Room Group

stupid bloating!

okay here goes.

im practically constantly bloated, its always my lower stomach and looks like im fricking pregnant.

im allergic to wheat, gluten, dairy, soya, barley and and oats so dont have any of those anyway (some of them are said to make it worse, right?)

my gut lining was irreversibly damaged when i was younger (about 13 months old) due to undiagnosed coeliac disease.

its not just fat since my stomach goes all tight and hard.

whenever i wake up my stomach always has pains :frown:

ive been recently tested for food intolerances again so its not anything im eating thats upsetting my stomach.

i drink about 2l a water a day. but i do drink a lot of fruit juice and its the first thing to hit my stomach in the morning (i drink it before breakfast)..would this be causing a problem as well?

long rant short...what can i take to help it? i was thinking of trying peppermint.

thanks in advance :smile:
Reply 1
hi! i'm a coeliac, diagnosed just recently, and i had that problem too initially- it's cause you get all your fibre etc. from the roughage in bread, wheat husks etc

try dates, prunes and raisins- they are great! lots of water helps, but try gluten-free bread etc to see if it's your body needing something to fill it out. try also not to chew gum, as the breaths you take in between chewing fill up your gut because your body thinks it's eating

eat little and running out of advice here!
hope it helps,

Reply 2
Try leaving at least 2 hours between eating and going to sleep. Daily exercise also helps.
I have the exact same. God I thought it was just me! I'm Coeliac for about 8/9 years and I had those symptoms for the last year or so. I was etchnically diagnosed with IBS but I don't really believe in that as a disease or condition as its only if they find nothing else... But anyway, I just try to eat plain foods - things like jelly babies which I got a craving for last night are awful for me!? Any more than 2 and I look pregnant lol I eat most things with fibre in them, a fair bit of fruit, fibre glutenfree bread, alongside a raisin addiction but I still get like that. Peppermint tea for me makes me feel better pretty quick. I know they are articles that too much can make you constipated but I don't exactly overdose on the stuff!
Big meals of anything do it to me as well.
Reply 4
Eat plenty of garlic - it feeds the 'friendly bacteria' in one's gut, aiding digestion. Don't bother with probiotic drinks - stomach acid kills 99.9% of the bacteria in them anyway....
Reply 5
colpermin peppermint oil capsules! take one about half an hour before you eat and it stops the bloating, I have IBS and it literally saves me on a regular basis!
Reply 6
Hey. I'm also a coeliac and sometimes get this 'bloating' at random times and its dead annoying. I don't get it everyday though. Maybe its because I think I got diagnosed fairly quick (cant remember because i was 3).

Maybe eat more fibre and that. I'm sure theres some gluten free fibre bread out there somewhere. I dunno but there are some adverts for like danone activia stuff which prevents bloating. You could try that:smile:

im allergic to wheat, gluten, dairy, soya, barley and and oats so dont have any of those anyway (some of them are said to make it worse, right?)

how did you find out you were allergic to these? did you get blood tests and stuff at the doctor? i want to be tested but the doctor said they wont do it because of the cost so im thinking about buying the test myself even though its about £250 but may be worth the money in the end.
Reply 8
how did you find out you were allergic to these? did you get blood tests and stuff at the doctor? i want to be tested but the doctor said they wont do it because of the cost so im thinking about buying the test myself even though its about £250 but may be worth the money in the end.

i had a biopsy when i was really young, like 13 months, at the hospital.