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I read about it and wante dto watch it, but was at work when it was on :frown:
Reply 2
I enjoyed it, as you said was a bit fast paced
Hey, i just watched it. The prison seemed suprisingly nice. It's probably been edited to appear that way. Even the torturer guy serving 521 years seemed like a nice guy. Good documentary though.
I never heard anything about it. What happened?

I love his previous doumentaries, they are great :biggrin:
Reply 5
yes good documentary but wanted him to talk to the black inmates too! I was surprised that the blacks and whites etc seperate themselves.
Hey, i just watched it. The prison seemed suprisingly nice. It's probably been edited to appear that way. Even the torturer guy serving 521 years seemed like a nice guy. Good documentary though.

That's what I thought too!

This documentary proves that there is something wrong with the justice system, and that it needs an overhaul if most of the prisoners don't feel that prison differs much from the outside, and that they don't mind being in prison any more, and also that prison feels like home for them.

The guards appeared far too nice and friendly to me, and I couldn't believe when he was talking about all those highly dangerous Level 4 criminals, and they were all wondering around outside their cells!

The food looked nasty...
Reply 7
I don't like him.

He manages to behave so naively that I'm not sure if it's an act or not. In the end though, it just makes him cringe-worthily rude at times. He also never seems to ask any of the questions I would actually like to hear answered, instead he repeats the basics over and over again until I'm thoroughly bored of him.

Like a senile Jeremy Paxman on acid.
I just watched it, I thought it was pretty good.
Reply 9
Watching it at the moment, looks interesting.
Reply 10
It was really good, I think the main reason why Louis Theroux pulls off going to difficult environments is because he is less concerned with his ego that the actual content of the documentary- unlike some presenters. Really insightful, and thought provoking- it throws up a whole plethora of issues about capital punishment/incarceration that we all have views on but don't actually see the everyday lives of such people.
you can probably catch it on the bbc iplayer?
It was really good, I think the main reason why Louis Theroux pulls off going to difficult environments is because he is less concerned with his ego that the actual content of the documentary- unlike some presenters.

Check out Ross Kemp
Caught the end of it... very impressed, but want to watch all of it.
L i b
I don't like him.

He manages to behave so naively that I'm not sure if it's an act or not. In the end though, it just makes him cringe-worthily rude at times. He also never seems to ask any of the questions I would actually like to hear answered, instead he repeats the basics over and over again until I'm thoroughly bored of him.

Like a senile Jeremy Paxman on acid.

There was one a while back where he went and investigated the porno industry, and he was chatting to this guy - a straight guy - who did gay porn. The guy was a bit hesitant to answer questions about it, but made it pretty clear he didn't enjoy it at all. Later on, he was being all cocky (lolzzz) and came up to Louis and said "Ha, I just made more in an hour than you do in two weeks." Louis replied with something along the lines of "Yeah, but you just gave another guy a blowjob, didn't you?" The guys smile just slipped right off. That remains one of my favourite moments on TV ever,
Reply 15
Wasn't as good as some of his, but was certainly worth a watch. He's hands down the best interviewer on TV.
Reply 16
I liked it. I think it might have been more interesting if he had gone to the Death Row bit and compared that to the rest of the prison, but then again he might not have been allowed.
Reply 17
I liked it. I think it might have been more interesting if he had gone to the Death Row bit and compared that to the rest of the prison, but then again he might not have been allowed.

Yes, it would be unlikely.
I thought it was alright. Normally I like his programmes and find them really interesting, but this one didn't tell me anything I didn't already know, really. I felt it would've been better if it had just focused on one inmate and given more of a picture of what their day-to-day life was like and their experiences rather than flitting about from man to man like that. But what do I know? LOL. I mean, like I said, it was alright ... but did anyone see the vaguely similar programme on fairly recently about the Aryan Brotherhood (I think it was called America's Deadliest Prison Gang or something)? That wasn't great, either, don't get me wrong, but it was a lot better than Theroux's programme, in my opinion!
It kind of made twisted sense what the gay guy wearing make up was saying about things went more smoothly if he looked feminine, still odd though :s-smilie: Harsh on his partner's wife and kids though, oddest couple I have ever seen :p:

I felt really sorry for the bald guy who got put in isolation during his free time :frown: He looked sweet.

The guy who had been sentened with 500 years and 11 life sentences though...slightly scary.

I loved the guards :p: 'Can we talk about drugs?' 'Yeah why not' :biggrin:

Love Louis, he's so weird :biggrin: