The Student Room Group

waitress tipping..

Dont know if this is the right forum, however can anyone who is a waiter or waitress or tips, give me a few ideas on how to gain more tips?
I do my job corect and a few of my fellow emplooes end up with over £40 a night in tips and I just dont know how they do it.
I wouldnt normally ask but I need extra money for holiday and I dont have enough hours for a few weeks.

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Reply 1
Skimpy clothes? smile more?
I cant go skimpy as my manager would kill me lol
I do smile, i compliment etc..
Reply 3
Sounds awful but cleavage and legs. Honestly, it probably works.
we have a strict uniform though. Therefore i can only wear trousers and stupid baggy shirt
Reply 5
Flirt. Not outrageously but subtly (unless the situation calls for it). It always works and you'll definitely get more tips.
Aw, I thought this was going to be like cow tipping.

Otherwise, just try and be as quick as possible. That's honestly the only reason I give tips really... if people ask for tap water, get it to them straight away because it really takes no time to pour it out. :p:
Reply 7
Flirt, but with a fellow (attractive) female waitress... in front of male customers.
really random, but i went to take a guys order once, n the first thing he said was 'do u know any good jokes?'
that kind of threw me coz i thought he was gunna say 'fish and chips please'.
so i just asked him if he knew any. after that everytime i went up to the table, i got told a joke. was quite funny actually. lol
sorry, that was abit irrevellent to the question. unfortunatly, all our tips are shared out. i got 60 quid after working LOTS of hrs! but wow, 40 quid a night! thats imense!!
I think just being friendly, but not annoying (sounds harsh I know, I don't mean it like that). But yeah theres definately a line between being friendly and getting on peoples nerves by being very fake.
Reply 10
When do you work? When i was a waitress the waiters/waitresses who worked on friday/saturday nights got the most tips. Does your pub/restaurant not split the tips between everyone who worked that shift?
make sure your customers have what they need but dont become annoying!
Reply 12
Cripes, we get about £2 a day where I work :wink:

That's between about four of us. LOL.
Drop the menu then bend down and pick it up.
look like your busy, be personable with people , don't recommend anythin but ask, if they want you to recommend anything(if that makes sense).

above all being quick and friendly.
Reply 15
Pretend you care about their order. Or alternatively, I work in a bar and when the drunk customers start being rude and annoying I shout at them. They usually end up giving me a big tip by way of apology
Reply 16
Sex sells.

Your lucky, Im a waiter and ALL TIPS is retained by the managers. We get ZERO tips!!!

Thats why Im changing my job.
Try watching what your fellow waiters are doing too, as if they are making that much then they must be doing something differently, even subtle things. Sometimes i think its just luck, i can be on the bar for a day shift finishing at half 5 and someone can come in at 5, and whilst i have served the table all day they come to pay and pay with the other person they get the tips! I really think we should split our tips as situations like that are somewhat unfair but i have brought it up about twice now and all that ever gets said is "we dont make enough to split!" so thats the end of it.
Maybe have a word with your manager about pooling the tips, unless of course you have specific sections, this seems the fairest way. Alternatively just ask your collegues what they do to make the tips as im assuming your on friendly terms with them since you all work together.
Tipping in this country is a hard topic as its such a grey area, i much prefered it in canada when you knew you were guaranteed 15% ontop of the bill, it made me do my job better too if that makes sense.
Well i went today, wasnt really busy at all! Didnt make much, I was fast/got orders corresct, interacted etc
All i got was 'we really enjoyed our meal, much better than [some place], the service was brilliant....' no tip!
I think we should automatically add 10% on.
Especialy when we do partys of 30 and they leave you nothing!
Reply 19
[QUOTE='rach [shikari]']Dont know if this is the right forum, however can anyone who is a waiter or waitress or tips, give me a few ideas on how to gain more tips?
I do my job corect and a few of my fellow emplooes end up with over £40 a night in tips and I just dont know how they do it.
I wouldnt normally ask but I need extra money for holiday and I dont have enough hours for a few weeks.
When i was a server, man..i would hustle....
1) anticipate what a guest needs before they ask for it
2)keep their glass full AT ALL TIMES
3) if they have kids, give them special attention, parents love that...
4) Make sure you always hold a glass from the BOTTOM never from the TOP, why?, because people touch their lips on the top and dont need your fingers where those would be :frown:
5)Always be busy when in the presence of a guest, never just stand around..they want to see you working....u stand, they think you are lazy
6)make sure wine/alcohol etiquette is on point, ex, dont hold a glass of WHITE WINE at the top, it warms it, hence loses "flavor"..
7) Always refer to guests as either Miss or SIR, never MAM.....makes women feel old.
8) DONT UPSELL, people smell that ****...
guests would always ask me about the food and i would be blountly honest, they appreciated that....

I have alot more pointers but my fingers hurt...
PM me if you want any other words of advice....