Try watching what your fellow waiters are doing too, as if they are making that much then they must be doing something differently, even subtle things. Sometimes i think its just luck, i can be on the bar for a day shift finishing at half 5 and someone can come in at 5, and whilst i have served the table all day they come to pay and pay with the other person they get the tips! I really think we should split our tips as situations like that are somewhat unfair but i have brought it up about twice now and all that ever gets said is "we dont make enough to split!" so thats the end of it.
Maybe have a word with your manager about pooling the tips, unless of course you have specific sections, this seems the fairest way. Alternatively just ask your collegues what they do to make the tips as im assuming your on friendly terms with them since you all work together.
Tipping in this country is a hard topic as its such a grey area, i much prefered it in canada when you knew you were guaranteed 15% ontop of the bill, it made me do my job better too if that makes sense.