The Student Room Group
Reply 1
hey! iv just started year 11 and wev got to do one more project b4 our exam we were given an exam sheet and had to pik a project title i chose opposites but after the title page im completley lost as to what to do

PLEASE HELP WITH SOME IDEAS! much appriciated :smile:

opposites can be interpreted in any way...good/bad dark/light, pretty/ugly, love/hate, black/white, peace/war, etc etc

do a brainstorm with things like that maybe? and decide where to go from there?
Reply 2
hey! iv just started year 11 and wev got to do one more project b4 our exam we were given an exam sheet and had to pik a project title i chose opposites but after the title page im completley lost as to what to do

PLEASE HELP WITH SOME IDEAS! much appriciated :smile:

just an idea 2 get u started if u wanna try it but u could do half a normal face and the other half of the face showing all the arteries and the bones and inside the eye and stuff, bit odd but cool and different.
Reply 3
just an idea 2 get u started if u wanna try it but u could do half a normal face and the other half of the face showing all the arteries and the bones and inside the eye and stuff, bit odd but cool and different.

My friend did something on those lines - she did a picture of a girl/lion.
Reply 4
Opposites... left/right, night/day, dark/light, blue/orange (in a colour wheel), red/green, purple/yellow, up/down, heavy/light, slow/fast, calm/stormy (weather wise), black/white...

I thought of night/day, then thought of what things looked like during the night, then during the day... Opposites are also differences in a way... Your final piece could be anything as long as you show how you got there, and explain it all.
From "street life" I managed to get onto flowers, and from there onto death, and from there onto a scene after someone had died and people were in mourning, and I got an A. The final piece had nothing to do with street life, but because I showed how I got there, it was ok. :smile:
With these things I agree its ALL about development of the idea. Show this clearly in nice worksheets and sketchbooks and you should be alright. Try to avoid obvious or cliqued work, this will impress the markers. For opposites you could contrast Picasso's style with Rembrandt's, or merely do a painting with hightened contrast in it (chiroscuro technique).
Reply 6
Try Earth/Air/Fire/Water

Or Yin/Yang
Reply 7
which art course do you study? graphic or fine..~?
i advice that you could express it with another way~~
just think about..
it could be....old fashion/ fashionable~
1oo years ago/now etc....
water and oil
flame and water
sky and the earth~~~??
is it helpful`~?? :tongue: