Firstly, well done on getting a place at university, and on acknowledging your ed and getting the help for it.
right, i have had two bouts of ed in the past: anorexia when i was 9-11 and ednos when i was 15-17. It is always there and sometimes surfaces again but thankfully i can control it (just about) now as i know i cannot afford to go anorexic again - as i am a vet school so wouldnt cope physically.
I was really worried when i went to uni as i had never cooked for myself and didnt want to have to tell people to make sure i eat. I was living in a house, so was also self catering. i found this a massive advantage because it has meant that i can cook food that i like, and i now have an interest in cooking and trying new things. i think that being in catered halls wouldn't have been for me as i am quite fussy and i probably would have eaten less than i should. People will say that they eat less because they are paying for it and now are aware how much food costs, but if you buy cleverly you can eat well for relatively very little - as long as you are prepared to cok from scratch, which is better for you and will (hopefully) spark your interest in cooking and food in general.
In terms of support, you will be living with a group of people you have never met before, but you will become close to a few of them at least relatively quickly. they will (im sure) understand especially if you explain that you are climbing back up that slope to recovery and are getting help.
Once again, well done on getting help and if you want to talk then pm me and i will give you my msn,
PS this is not anon because i wish to show that people should not be ashamed of ed's they have now or have had in the past - those of you who know me, well now you know