The Student Room Group
It has a reputation as a great university. It is second in rankings to Trinity, then UCD. Cork people have a grudge against Dublin, and a very weird accent but they're friendly, and food and accommodation will be a lot cheaper than Dublin.

I don't know much about it actually, don't even know how old the uni is. Apparently it has a great campus and grounds. Cork is a lively city, and the nightlife is good.
Cork as a city absolutely rules.

Fab town centre, isnt too busy. Sits right on the river and is really clean.

The nightlife is pretty good and the people are really friendly and laid back. You just get your fair share of chavs on a saturday afternoon... but I guess thats the same in dublin.

But hey I want to apply to Cork too!!
Bit late I know but I'll answer anyway. The natural sciences and medicine sciences are fairly well catered, most notably the physics department is supposed to be fairly well regarded. In the my fav area, the social sciences and business subjects, the college doesn't seem quite so strong. That really disapoints me because it looks like I'm going to end up in London or Dublin next year. As a Corkman I could not recommend the place more. The people are friendly and witty. The city is big enough for all the usual shopping pursuits one could want and small enough to have a degree of intimicy. Night life is strong but there are a few scuts about once darkness falls. The college itself is on has really inviting grounds with some oxbridgeesqe old style buildings. An hour drive west and you can take in some of the most beautiful natural sites in the world. Just don't pick up the accent :P
Reply 4
Does anybody know if Cork's any good for geography?
"fairly sleepy quiet town" No no no and no. As I'm from Cork and can't wait to get out of the place, I'm not going UCC myself but it is fairly well-respected, just behind the Dublin unis, and the campus itself is really nice. It's meant to be particularly good for engineering-type subjects, and Cork has the best people in the world. That is a fact.