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I feel like a fat pig :(

ok so i'm a 16 year old girl i weigh like 58kg and i'm 168cm but i just feel sooo i have love handles and my hips, bum and thighs are quite big, and i think my face is really round and gross too. i don't know what to do because i know my weight is technically healthy (although should i think about losing a kg or two?) but i just feel disgusting and never want anyone to see my body :frown:
yeh so do i , why do i like food so much XD

just sign up for a gym and go for an hour or two a day and see where it goes from there
Reply 2
Your BMi is 20.5, that's a healthy weight. Perhaps add in some exercise a few times a week, no need to do anything crazy. You're not fat.
Reply 3
Your weight is healthy, so you really do not need to lose any weight! Maybe feeling like this is coming from a place of low self esteem or stress in another part of your life? School, family, friends etc?

If it's really upsetting you, you could attempt to get more toned (without losing weight!), but that might start a fixation with weight and appearance which isn't good :console: Maybe just doing come yoga or light exercise will make you feel more confident? =)

You are 16 though, having thoughts like this is totally normal and ok!
Reply 4
Original post by Anonymous
ok so i'm a 16 year old girl i weigh like 58kg and i'm 168cm but i just feel sooo i have love handles and my hips, bum and thighs are quite big, and i think my face is really round and gross too. i don't know what to do because i know my weight is technically healthy (although should i think about losing a kg or two?) but i just feel disgusting and never want anyone to see my body :frown:

At that sort of age your body is constantly getting fatter and taller and stuff as it grows. As long as you are a healthy weight you don't need to worry. You might like to do a bit of exercises that targets those areas to tone yourself up a little, but your body will still be evening itself out anyway.
Also, some of that is totally normal even with adults or just depends of body structure.

But there's no harm in shedding a bit or toning yourself up either as long as you stay a healthy weight so if you want to do something go ahead.

If your weight or looks are always a big downer for you you might like to have a chat with your school counsellor to help build your self image a bit. It's common to feel down about your weight or looks, but that doesn't mean you should just put up with it.
everything is natural. don't try to lose weight.
Reply 6
Original post by Ray_Shadows
yeh so do i , why do i like food so much XD
just sign up for a gym and go for an hour or two a day and see where it goes from there

I love food and I’m too fat to drive or walk

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