The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
To strengthen the relationship between England and Scotland?
Who knows? Probably because it was easier to secure than Edinburgh. I think the prince wanted to study in Scotland.
Reply 3
Because they don't let you into Cambridge with ABC (ooh, burn).
Because they don't let you into Cambridge with ABC (ooh, burn).

His daddy got CD in history and French and got into Trinity College, Cambridge!
Reply 5
.... sorry but who cares?
Reply 6
don't know, but know why kate middleton did!
The West Wing
His daddy got CD in history and French and got into Trinity College, Cambridge!

Weren't they less strict back in the day when As were less common? That could account for SOMEthing...obviously not a C and D...!

But yeah maybe because it's like out of the way and hard to get in and out of, so he wouldn't get assassinated as!

(yes i do realise you can only get assassinated once)
Reply 8
It was down to security reasons. St Andrews being fairly small and basically self-contained it made it much easier to ensure his safety than if he went to, say, Edinburgh.
Basically he chose bugger all.

St Andrews has a base next door to it; that's the reason he went there.
Reply 10
The West Wing
His daddy got CD in history and French and got into Trinity College, Cambridge!

Just shows how much we pander to these idiots, not only do they get in Universities that others struggle to get into with much better results and who have worked much harder. They also bend the rules to let them into the Military.

What a waste of space they all are, shame we don't get a choice about who is head of state....
Reply 11
.... sorry but who cares?

Lol, if I hear anything more about him when people ask me what uni I'm at, I might scream. I also don't play golf...
Lol, if I hear anything more about him when people ask me what uni I'm at, I might scream. I also don't play golf...

"So, which Uni are you at then?"

"Erm, St Andrews"

"Hey, isn't that the one that..."

"Yes, yes it is. Leave now or I will stab you in the eye with this pencil."
"So, which Uni are you at then?"

"Erm, St Andrews"

"Hey, isn't that the one that..."

"Yes, yes it is. Leave now or I will stab you in the eye with this pencil."

'So what university do you go to?'
'St Andrews'
'Ahhh so do you play a lot of golf up there then'
"So what university are you going to?"
"St Andrews."
"Ah - you'll be too posh for all of us then... Do you like tea and scones?"
I had no idea prince william had gone their until after i'd applied...shows how with it i am really...

what is this 'golf' you speak of?
Reply 16
Just shows how much we pander to these idiots, not only do they get in Universities that others struggle to get into with much better results and who have worked much harder. They also bend the rules to let them into the Military.

Yeah, great, fantastic logic. Completely ignore the fact that the public profile of St Andrews went through the roof when Prince William decided to attend. Really, that's "pandering". :rolleyes:

.... sorry but who cares?

I'm inclined to agree, a very odd question which can only be answered with pretty generic speculation.

"Ah - you'll be too posh for all of us then... Do you like tea and scones?"


Where do you come from? I thought everyone liked tea and scones!
Reply 17
L i b
Yeah, great, fantastic logic. Completely ignore the fact that the public profile of St Andrews went through the roof when Prince William decided to attend. Really, that's "pandering". :rolleyes:

Oh fine so a Uni by admitting someone who does not meet the academic standards but raises the profile is good?

Open your bloody eyes, I admit it is great that St. Andrews received such a boost but at the same time it devalues institutions by doing so.

It is grossly unfair that someone is admitted to any institution because of who they are but I guess that is a different debate altogether.
Reply 18
Oh fine so a Uni by admitting someone who does not meet the academic standards but raises the profile is good?


Open your bloody eyes, I admit it is great that St. Andrews received such a boost but at the same time it devalues institutions by doing so.

I don't think so at all. Sure, we'd all like to live in a world where a university's profile doesn't matter and it doesn't need to find ways to fund itself, but that's not how things work. Universities try to attract foreign students because they pay more, they prioritise research over teaching because it attracts more academic attention.

If they didn't do this, then I doubt you'd be receiving the same standard of education for the same price you're going to be paying.
Reply 19
L i b

I don't think so at all. Sure, we'd all like to live in a world where a university's profile doesn't matter and it doesn't need to find ways to fund itself, but that's not how things work. Universities try to attract foreign students because they pay more, they prioritise research over teaching because it attracts more academic attention.

If they didn't do this, then I doubt you'd be receiving the same standard of education for the same price you're going to be paying.

Ahh but we are not talking about private individuals and foreign students. We are talking about people who are being accepted into University because of who they are rather than what they are capable of.

If you add in the fact that Scottish students do not (directly) pay for education then the cost is irrelevant.