The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Hi, i was pretty damn sure that to study Economics at LSE you needed AAA, but in their prospectus it says for courses x, x, x and L100 (economics) you need a B in A Level Mathematics, an ABB overall???????????

Are these the kind of offers that they do actually give out, for economics??

??? show me the page.

it says usual standard offer: grades aaa one of which must be mathematics.
Reply 2
Just been on their website and that states Typical offer: AAA inc Maths???!!!

In their undergraduate prospectus:

"For L100, L112, LV13 and LLD2 AAB at A Level (including a grade B in Mathematics for L100) + B grade from 1 AS Level (or C grade as a fourth A Level) or AA at A Level (including Mathematics for L100) + BBB in 3 AS Levels. Offers do not normally include both Mathematics and Further Mathematics."


So heres another thing: Ive done 12-Unit AVCE ICT (AA) and Business Studies (B- going up to A hopefully) and im doing Economics, Maths and Further Maths.

Does all of the above mean any offer made would just be for Maths and economics??? lol
Reply 3
Just been on their website and that states Typical offer: AAA inc Maths???!!!

In their undergraduate prospectus:

"For L100, L112, LV13 and LLD2 AAB at A Level (including a grade B in Mathematics for L100) + B grade from 1 AS Level (or C grade as a fourth A Level) or AA at A Level (including Mathematics for L100) + BBB in 3 AS Levels. Offers do not normally include both Mathematics and Further Mathematics."


So heres another thing: Ive done 12-Unit AVCE ICT (AA) and Business Studies (B- going up to A hopefully) and im doing Economics, Maths and Further Maths.

Does all of the above mean any offer made would just be for Maths and economics??? lol

your prospectus must be vvery old my friend
Reply 4
haha- erm lets just say that ive got a lot of prospectuses lying on my desk- i glanced down and it was the warwick one! lol

yes the lse one does state AAA,

i thought it bit weird that it too said further maths not part of the offer lol
Reply 5
haha- erm lets just say that ive got a lot of prospectuses lying on my desk- i glanced down and it was the warwick one! lol

yes the lse one does state AAA,

i thought it bit weird that it too said further maths not part of the offer lol

yes its because many people applying will be asians (whose maths syllabus is more advanced than english maths syllabus, hence when they arrive 6th form, they will find alevel pretty easy, hence not that difficult to get good grades at further maths) yea so lse assumes they will get As anyways and they are very good at maths....kinda harsh.