plz keep anon or delete, as guy uses tsr.
I was seeing this guy in december, I mean really casually, but I was hoping it would become official soon. He told me he likes me and knows I like him. But recently a friend of his told me that he pulled another girl on new years eve. I haven’t seen him since before then, so he hadn’t told me and I don’t know if he ever intended to. I don’t think it meant anything at all and he was obviously really drunk and it’s new years etc, but I’m still upset. I don’t know whether to say anything to him cos I really don’t want to be possessive and he’s technically done nothing wrong.
I just don’t really know where to go from here: whether I should just carry on and pretend it never happened, to tell him I’m upset about it and have a proper conversation about where we’re going and whether he wants a relationship, or just to stop seeing him..