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guy kissed another girl..

plz keep anon or delete, as guy uses tsr.

I was seeing this guy in december, I mean really casually, but I was hoping it would become official soon. He told me he likes me and knows I like him. But recently a friend of his told me that he pulled another girl on new years eve. I haven’t seen him since before then, so he hadn’t told me and I don’t know if he ever intended to. I don’t think it meant anything at all and he was obviously really drunk and it’s new years etc, but I’m still upset. I don’t know whether to say anything to him cos I really don’t want to be possessive and he’s technically done nothing wrong.

I just don’t really know where to go from here: whether I should just carry on and pretend it never happened, to tell him I’m upset about it and have a proper conversation about where we’re going and whether he wants a relationship, or just to stop seeing him..
Reply 1
any advice?>
Reply 2
You lot weren't together - it doesn't really matter surely...yeh it may hurt a bit.

But it's NYE - I'm pretty sure anyone who is single or whatnot is going to pull someone at sometime or another that night (usually around midnight :wink:) lol

Don't look into it I guess, just go back to working on how it was? You don't really wanna scare him off with confrontatino - although may work in your favour too if he admits it was a mistake and stuff. I'd just try and go back to how it was...
new years eve....i wouldnt worry about that too much.

tis the night for random kissing. havent talked to him since. so can u really see it getting serious with him?.
Reply 4
youre not together so i ont see how its an issue if im honest. are you still speaking to him?
Well maybe you should have told him from the start what you wanted, because otherwise things like this will happen.
Since you guys weren't official a couple, he's not in the wrong. But seeing that you do like him, it's obvious why you are a bit hurt. Talk to him. Find out where things are going for you both.
Reply 7
to tell him I’m upset about it and have a proper conversation about where we’re going and whether he wants a relationship
Do this.
Reply 9
moshing-fairy havent talked to him since. so can u really see it getting serious with him?.

no, i have talked to him on msn and by text, I just haven't seen him cause he was away for a bit, and its not the sort of thing you discuss by text!

I know there's no issue cause we aren't together, it's just I didn't know where to go from there, as it seemed like he didn't really care when I thought he did.. i guess it was NY etc. I'll probs just go back to how it was and maybe at some point ask him whether he wants to make it more serious or not.. :s-smilie: