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Help, 22 and still can't talk to girls

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I went to an all boys high school and is a shy person in general. Never had a relationship and can't chat with girls at all. There was this pretty girl that I've seen around the campus but when there was a good opportunity to talk to her, I didn't say anything. I couldn't think of what to say. This sort of behaviour can't go on forever can it? She probably thought that I was quiet rude and I could see that she wasn't impressed. She probably thinks I hate her? What would she think?

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Reply 1
i think you should be focusing on yourself first of all rather than getting worried about what she thinks. you need to start talking to females in general before you start talking to girls you like so you feel more comfortable. try joining some uni clubs & going to their socials. go out with your friends and their girlfriends. just try to be comfortable around females!!!
Reply 2
Imagine them as pigeons in suits. You can't be afraid of pigeons in suits, can you?
Reply 3
I think you are making to much of it. Girls are no more special than guys, so dont treat them like they are in your mind. Try and separate talking to girls with trying to get a relationship, dont put any pressure or expectation on the conversation. Also, practice as much as you can talking to women of all ages, in shops, out and about etc, the more you do it the easier it will get.
Speaking as a girl, I find nothing more attractive than a shy guy who speaks with his eyes! Don't panic about it, and if you want advice on talking to girls, just send me a message and I'll be more than happy to chat!

Chin up!!

luffles x x x
Reply 5
Don't panic about it and go with the flow. Just talk about things like what job she has and what her interests are.
Reply 6
You should hang around with guys who aren't shy, who will mock you mercilessly for your inadequate behavior and will eventually mould you into the person you want to be. Failing that get drunk, then get less drunk and less drunk until you're at baseline.
Reply 7
Start with older women! Besides they have more experiance. Then age down lower as you get more confident. ; ) LOL

TBH it would be best for you if you joined a few clubs, sports maybe? Or societys. I have quite a bit of confidence with people, Ive held a meeting in front of 30 people for over 40 minutes once...that was horrible but hey! However sometimes it just is hard if there is a real 'fitty' in front of you.
Reply 8
Speaking as a girl, I find nothing more attractive than a shy guy who speaks with his eyes! Don't panic about it, and if you want advice on talking to girls, just send me a message and I'll be more than happy to chat!

Chin up!!

luffles x x x

You two should hook up! :wink: :biggrin:
Instead of sitting here typing about it.....maybe get over the fear and actually do something!Even if its with a woman/girl at the tills in a shop or just asking a random hot girl for the time,it will help :smile:
Speaking as a girl, I find nothing more attractive than a shy guy who speaks with his eyes!

Yeah, I mean, that's quite a talent.
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I went to an all boys high school and is a shy person in general. Never had a relationship and can't chat with girls at all. There was this pretty girl that I've seen around the campus but when there was a good opportunity to talk to her, I didn't say anything. I couldn't think of what to say. This sort of behaviour can't go on forever can it? She probably thought that I was quiet rude and I could see that she wasn't impressed. She probably thinks I hate her? What would she think?

PM me, I can help.
Reply 12
Pigoens in suits. Holy crap that's some scary stuff. I mean, where did they get the suits? Are they custom made? Do the pigeons themselves make them? Is there a pigeon tailor that makes all the pigeon suits, or do the pigeons makes their own suits themselves? But they don't have opposable thumbs? How would they hold the needle. And how would they put the suits on? They have wings!

Try talking to friends of friends who are girls, you already have something in common, the firend, so that's a way in and will be good practice.
man talking to girls is as easy as talking to guys, i went to an all boys school too and it is not a problem unless you make it a problem. they are human beings too, they are not very different from guys. do not think about sex when talking to them because that will make you more uncomfortable.
OP are you me in disguise lol? Whatever girl I talk to sex or just sexual thoughts enter my head of some sort. Then I act all agitated around girls and stop eye contact and go all weird. I reall ywish I knew how to deal with this but I haven't a clue. I try talking to girls but I don't feel any more confident doing so, I'm screwed.
think of them as mates rather than objectives of sexual desire, job done
women as people not sexual objects? madness!
yeah when you're 31 you're a little on the mature side
I'm not trying to imagine them as sexual objects, but that's just what occurs to me sub-conciously. I can't seem to help it. I don't view them as sex objects naturally but this is obviously portrayed in why I can't talk to them. Like I said I can't seem to help it.
I think you need to get your leg over and get this out of your system