The Student Room Group

Where do you buy your tofu?

I was amazed to go into my local Tesco metro, which they have just extended and now sells loads of new lines, and find that they did not sell tofu (and by that I mean plain and uncooked). A few days later I went to Tesco Extra, which sells everything from clothing to perfume, spectacles to widescreen televisions, yet they too did not sell tofu! I cannot believe it. A staple of a vegetarian diet, no where to be found in the country's largest chain of supermarkets! So I am guessing health food shops are the place to find it, yet there are none near me and I bet it sells at an extortionate price. When I was in Canada you could find a large variety in every supermarket, even the little ones, and get 500g for $1.99. :mad:

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Reply 1
in a shop
Reply 2
or china town in Leicester square
Tesco are strange... i couldnt find Silken Tofu anywhere. Sainsburys always have it though.

I buy it frozen in chunks from Hyperama wholesalers.. 1.89 for a bag of about 12 large chunks that are already fried, just defrost and eat! :biggrin:
Reply 4
Okay thanks, Sainsbury's seems like the best idea.
I was amazed to go into my local Tesco metro, which they have just extended and now sells loads of new lines, and find that they did not sell tofu (and by that I mean plain and uncooked). A few days later I went to Tesco Extra, which sells everything from clothing to perfume, spectacles to widescreen televisions, yet they too did not sell tofu! I cannot believe it. A staple of a vegetarian diet, no where to be found in the country's largest chain of supermarkets! So I am guessing health food shops are the place to find it, yet there are none near me and I bet it sells at an extortionate price. When I was in Canada you could find a large variety in every supermarket, even the little ones, and get 500g for $1.99. :mad:

The main supermarkets are mainly western based and therefore will lack the simplest of ingredients of other cultures. In Canada especially in Vancouver where A LOT of chinese stars habitate will have lots of ....asian stuff.

Anyway, just make them yourself. :O
Reply 6
Buy paneer, it tastes so much better.
Reply 7
wow I got neg repped for saying in a shop
Reply 8
sainsburys, morrisions ect most supermarkets sell it.. my mum got me some today. does anyone have any recipes for it?
Reply 9
yep, buy some black bean sauce and add the tofu to it :smile:/
deep fry it =)
I'm a veggie. and i definitely wouldn't call it a staple.

I'd get it at the local health store. i live in quite an alternative town so we have it in our local mini supermarket too.
sainsburys, morrisions ect most supermarkets sell it.. my mum got me some today. does anyone have any recipes for it?

it's lush with noodles stir-fry vege in a coconut sauce.
Reply 13
plain tofu is ick.
I am way unadventerous :smile:
Eat it with duck or beef and chinese potatoes =)


Deep fry and then chilli sauce it >_<


Side portion with minced beef stuffed in green peppers and black bean sauce......DAAAMMMMNNN
Reply 15
i stir fry it with veggies and soy or terikyaki. umm i find tescos and sainsburys sell cauldron tofu in most of their biggish stores.
aaahhhhh teriyaki. I'm hungry
world 'o bland.
You can't milk soy beans.
Reply 19
I get it at Sainsburys. You have to ask them where they hide it.