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Hi, really sorry I don't have any advice on the accommodation situation but I used to have ME and, as you will undoubtedly know, stress makes it a million times worse so ty and relax as much as possible. Try and stay healthy and I hope it works out for you :smile:
Reply 2
Do you have a disability officer or anything? I'm pretty sure the university/college needs to be able to do something for you by law. Get a doctor or disability officer onside so you can take their recommendations to your college to see what they can do for you. From what I know (very little, from a friend) Cambridge can be pretty accommodating. More so than some universities.
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Hmm, well in that case I'd see a doctor. Probably a good idea to pay a visit to a student advice place too, just to hear their opinions. Hope you get something sorted for you!
Reply 5
I am the disability officer!

Meh, sounds like College are being mean. I assume you have medical documentation for your ME...then do to the disability centre on I think its Trumpington (Next to Engineering) and see if you can get them to stick an ore in. Speak to your DoS and tell them bluntly that you can't afford the housing you're in now and would College please give you some nice quieter rooms (point out that some are unoccupied). If that fails, depending on how rich/nice your College is; your DoS has discretionary hardship funds to help you maybe find somewhere closer (when you say far out, you mean Girton distance out or on the river outish?

At the end of the day, College won't kick you out unless you completly give up on your course; keep working the best you can (and maybe speak to your DoS about stretching (sounds like you're on 1B or II?) out for 2 years?

Keep trying hun, they can't kick you out unless you give up and to kick you out based on a disability which they are not being too helpful with is illegal - they won't. They can give you money (or indeed a College room). To be blunt, whoever the accomodation officer is, if you get your DoS to be a little persuasive, I'm sure the Scholars requirement can be waived on the discretion of the College Master.

If that fails, see if they'll let you transfere to another College with provision?
Reply 6
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Thanks for the advice :smile: I have a new DoS this year and don't know him very well yet but will see what he thinks. I'm not really sure where they would kick me out from?! Given that I'm not in college accom (I live just the other side of the botanic gardens, but given the ME thats far enough!) and im not failing there's nothing to kick me out for! I might go and see the college nurse though, she seems to know a lot about this sort of thing.

I'm fine workwise, i just want some sort of social life! That's my main problem! And being so far out its difficult for me to do, and i cant live closer due to the above reasons. To be fair i didnt want to socialise much in the first place, everyone was finding their feet and i felt a bit mean having to let people know what to do in case i collapsed what they didnt know me! but now i dont really care anymore and I want my life back like i have at home.

Last time I looked there were some rooms/bedsit types for rent advertised down Mill Rd way - the chinese stores down there often have stuff stuck on windows that advertise this. - I'm not sure if they're still going, or indeed how much they are...Have you tried every College? I'm guessing some College will have accommodation nearer Cambridge's all of 4ish clubs and centre of town. If you don't care where you rent from and a bit of hassle - then ring round the grad Colleges and see what they have; and depending on how desperate you are - see what Ruskin has to offer?

As for making friends - relax and it will happen - don't you carry a necklace/bracelet of some sort around? A friend of mine has a heart condition and he has one to tell everyone what to do - I wouldn't worry too much/ or ingratiate yourself with a luffy band of medics?:p:

Either way, just remember that Cambridge is meant to be fun as well as work - slacking off periodiclly to relive the stress is mandatory sanity and health :smile:

Whatever you decide, all the best :smile:
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I dont carry anything because i was meant to be free of it but summer 2005! I'm ok just not 100% yet. I have friends like i said, i just want people to do things with in the evenings, and people are so fixed in their friendship groups

I live closer than Mill Road, i looked for ages and this is the cheapest flat i could find in Cam, and its either this or college, i dont really see what i'd do from ringing around other colleges? The main problem is i need such quiet, which i cant rent a random room in a house, as i cant guarantee the silence i need in order to function.

Gah if only to be 17 again!

Other Colleges might have quiet rooms free that they don't mind you living in if your own College lacks provision/is being a pain. Especially the grad Colleges will have quiet self contained sets of rooms for couples or people with families - these will be relatively undisturbed and subsidised. You might end up with a better deal then your what you have now - how long can you afford to live where you are now?
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Well im ok for a bit as my bursary and loan have come through, but it did get to the stage last term that i was only eating one meal a day, so we'll have to see! It's a definite idea though, thanks.

Thats not on! :frown::mad: . You do realise thats not conducive to your health? Tell that to your DoS; Cambridge is so rich that no undergraduate should have to starve themselves:eek:
Reply 12
Thanks for the advice :smile: I have a new DoS this year and don't know him very well yet but will see what he thinks. I'm not really sure where they would kick me out from?! Given that I'm not in college accom (I live just the other side of the botanic gardens, but given the ME thats far enough!) and im not failing there's nothing to kick me out for! I might go and see the college nurse though, she seems to know a lot about this sort of thing.

I'm fine workwise, i just want some sort of social life! That's my main problem! And being so far out its difficult for me to do, and i cant live closer due to the above reasons. To be fair i didnt want to socialise much in the first place, everyone was finding their feet and i felt a bit mean having to let people know what to do in case i collapsed what they didnt know me! but now i dont really care anymore and I want my life back like i have at home.

Oops, sorry - I made the (obviously incorrect) inference that your work was suffering as well:redface:

Anyways, all the best :smile:
Reply 13
As Wangers said, get the Student Union Welfare officer to stick their oar in - something must be done about this.

I have to admit that my first thought was also that you should try and change college, as it sounds like your college is being really unhelpful.
Reply 14
I don't really have anything to add to what's been said. But if you ever want to meet up for coffee or a drink or anything, Facebook me and we can sort something out!
Reply 15
£540 a month???

Where you living, Trafalgar Square?
Reply 16
£540 a month???

Where you living, Trafalgar Square?

Cambridge houses are extortionate when they're not College subsidised. I'll have to pay about that next year (although I'll be living in central London.)
Reply 17
I live in Zone 1, I pay £400...
Reply 18
My friend has just moved into a one bedroomed flat near Tower Bridge and her rent is £1200 per month!:eek:
Reply 19
I live in Zone 1, I pay £400...

Is that for a shared house/flat though, or a one-bedroom flat all to yourself?

I can quite believe that rent for somewhere like that in Cambridge would be that high. There just aren't that many places like that near the city centre.

But Nina, I'd definitely get the Welfare officer on your side and get them involved. Does your college have any quieter grad accommodation or anything like that?