Hi there!
I'm hoping to do Work America this summer for a few reasons, I can't bear another summer in Wales, and I wanna travel around but seeing as I'd be a girl travelling alone I think I'd rather go with one of these organisations so I know it's all sorted!!
I was all set for BUNAC, and had found some jobs in the Job Directory, but just none of them really grab me. You have to get your own job and accomm and I'd so bleeding disorganised!
Then I looked into CCUSA and they do basically the same thing, but they have a placement option where they find a job for you to safe you doing it all, which appeals more to me.
The main thing I'm worried about is arriving there and not having any accom, which I guess could happen on the BUNAC one if I have to sort it myself!
The hours seem a lot (between 40 and 60) so I'm guessing it's quite hard work too.
So, just wondering if anyone has done either of them or could recommend one over the other? The CCUSA one is £200 more but that wouldn't really bother me, I'm gonna get some of it back working there, and I get a bursary from uni so should use it on something useful rather than primark...
thanks guys!