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Reply 1
Happens throughout life.

The people who are nicest to each other are the ones that secretly hate each other.
Wherever there are girls, there's bitching. I think every girl has bitched about someone at one time or another and I wouldn't be surprised if many guys have too.
Reply 3
Yea I know girls are the worst for it but, I was just 'woah' tonight when I just heard it reeling from some of their mouths.
Yea I know girls are the worst for it but, I was just 'woah' tonight when I just heard it reeling from some of their mouths.

Yep. It's strange, you would have thought that people who are mature enough to study for a degree at university would also be mature enough to figure out that bitching benefits no one. Nevertheless, I have to admit I still indulge in a bit of bitching now and then :redface:

The people who are nicest to each other are the ones that secretly hate each other.

That's an extremely broad and inaccurate statement.
Reply 6
Boy's love bitching too :smile:
Reply 7
LoL Everyone does @ some point in their lives I guess but, yes I agree with what you have said. I guess because the majority who i know @ Uni are 18/19 and im 21, going 22 - I have kinda grown out of that sorta thing and matured enough to not get involved. I just usually sit and listen because I know it'll be my name dragged in it even though I said bugger all.

To make it worse also, most of them were drunk and they say when your drunk the truth usually comes out.............
To be honest it goes on everywhere not just at university halls.
Reply 9
Rock Fan
To be honest it goes on everywhere not just at university halls.

True but first time in a long time (talking 6years I left school) I last experienced this level of bitching.
Reply 10
That's an extremely broad and inaccurate statement.

Yes its broad. But it does happen.

You should come and live in our uni house.

Bitchiest house eveeeer.
Yes its broad. But it does happen.

You worded it as fact.
Reply 13
To be honest its quite common everywhere and not only girls do it, but boys aswell. Its sad, but thats life I guess.
I love bitching. It genuinely makes me happy.
Reply 15
^^ why?

I too was disappointed by this when I started at university. I'd put up with it enough at school (all-girls...ugh) and I had really hoped that people would have grown up a bit. It seems a lot better now that I'm a postgrad tbh.
Reply 16
it happens everywhere in life. i think people do it when they run out of things to talk about :dontknow: its almost one of those things you learn to ignore.
Yahahhh we are havin this bitching problem too!
It will only get worse in the workplace too- you'll be surrounded by women (and men) stabbing each other in the back to get promotions or whatever.

Last Summer's Dream, you may well enjoy bitching but have you ever been on the receiving end of it yourself? It's not pleasant.
The thing to remember is that it always reflects badly on you if you do bitch. It says a lot about you. Also, there isn't anyone I know who respects bitchy people.