I thought it was ok, maybe there could have been more to do during the day; went on a tour despite having already been on virtually the same one at an open day, just so I wasn't standing around for ages waiting for the first talk. 'Spose it paid off cos I made friends with a Polish girl who was applying for German and Hebrew (though the fact her english was better than mine was a bit depressing!).
The Viking studies guys who were talking to us in the SS dept were good though, interesting to hear about it from a student POV instead of staff/prospectus!
My interview itself...some bits were good, but I made a few stupid mistakes, hopefully my interviewer will just put them down to nerves :-s though I talked for ages, so hopefully that was a good thing!
A bit strange though that my interview was started with the usual 'Almost everyone is coming into this as a complete beginner, we don't expect you to know anything...etc' then loads of questions about how much language I knew, literature, history, current affairs etc.!
Just got to keep fingers crossed now (though must admit, not feeling overly hopeful about an offer...) and pray that they let us know faster than the 3 weeks it said on the pink sheet!
Edit: Just a thought, was anyone else suprised about how many parents were there? I felt in the minority being by myself a lot of the time!