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Reply 1
I'm going in for the interview on the 30th but I have absolutely NO idea what to expect.
When i spoke to a member of department at an open day they said most people knew nothing about Scandinavia so I doubt there will be a lot of subject-specific questions, though that's just me guessing..

I've applied at Edinburgh as well but still haven't heard back. GRR
Reply 2
I'm going in for the interview on the 30th but I have absolutely NO idea what to expect.
When i spoke to a member of department at an open day they said most people knew nothing about Scandinavia so I doubt there will be a lot of subject-specific questions, though that's just me guessing..

I've applied at Edinburgh as well but still haven't heard back. GRR

I'm going on the 30th, then again on the next Wednesday for a SSEES open day and Finnish interview.

Same about Edinburgh, but they have post offer open days on 5th & 19th March, so hopefully if they're gonna give out offers, it'll be a bit in advance of that! (Before we go mad with the months of waiting!)

No idea what to expect, but there's a thread for the open day, and one about a previous MFL open day in the UCL forum, which might be of some help. :smile:

Reply 3
I'm going on the 30th, then again on the next Wednesday for a SSEES open day and Finnish interview.

Same about Edinburgh, but they have post offer open days on 5th & 19th March, so hopefully if they're gonna give out offers, it'll be a bit in advance of that! (Before we go mad with the months of waiting!)

No idea what to expect, but there's a thread for the open day, and one about a previous MFL open day in the UCL forum, which might be of some help. :smile:


Thanks. Good luck with all the interviews and stuff! I'm getting a bit nervous now ;(

btw, respect for the nightwish appreciation.. they're good :wink:
Reply 4
I'm going to the interview/open day on 30th too. Not really sure what to expect either. It's not far away now though!
Reply 5
I'm getting a bit nervous now ;(

unfortunately me too but it will be ok :biggrin:
Reply 6
3 days left..
Reply 7
do you think we should dress formally or just kinda smart-casual heavy on the smart?
Reply 8
I'm still thinking about it... Maybe some trousers and a jacket...
And what do u think?
Reply 9
well.. its always better to look like you made too much of an effort than didnt bother.. i think im gonna go for smart trousers but not a suit, 'proffessional' style..
Reply 10
Anyone else get an email today about who their interviewer is and where/when it is?
I thought it was a nice touch, though having looked up my interviewer on their website, there's barely anything about them, which is annoying, but hey!

And on the what to wear front, I'm going with smart-casual, don't want to look like I haven't bothered, but don't want to be uncomfortable all day either.

See you all tomorrow maybe!

Reply 11
I'm so glad you wrote that. Just checked my e-mail, weirdly it had ended up in with the junk mail!! Would never have checked in there if you hadn't posted here. Strange though, as I've had e-mails from them before that went to the right place. It is definitely a nice touch! Although, mine doesn't say who my interviewer will be - just the time.

I guess we will all see each other in the hanging around waiting room bit with the current students! If not, good luck all!
Reply 12
good luck everyone, see you all tommorow!
Reply 13
I'm so glad you wrote that. Just checked my e-mail, weirdly it had ended up in with the junk mail!! Would never have checked in there if you hadn't posted here. Strange though, as I've had e-mails from them before that went to the right place. It is definitely a nice touch! Although, mine doesn't say who my interviewer will be - just the time.

I guess we will all see each other in the hanging around waiting room bit with the current students! If not, good luck all!

Yay for TSR in that case! I've got a really early interview, so lots of time for stuff afterwards, or maybe going home early, depending on what the stuff on offer is (in terms of talks and the like).
If anyone sees me tomorrow come over and say hi, since we're all in the same boat not knowing anyone I guess! :smile:

Reply 14
So, how did it go for everyone? I thought it was a pretty good day. Now I guess we have the whole agony of the UCAS-Track checking!
Reply 15
all in all I like the whole event but I don't generaly know what to think...
Reply 16
I thought it was ok, maybe there could have been more to do during the day; went on a tour despite having already been on virtually the same one at an open day, just so I wasn't standing around for ages waiting for the first talk. 'Spose it paid off cos I made friends with a Polish girl who was applying for German and Hebrew (though the fact her english was better than mine was a bit depressing!).
The Viking studies guys who were talking to us in the SS dept were good though, interesting to hear about it from a student POV instead of staff/prospectus!
My interview itself...some bits were good, but I made a few stupid mistakes, hopefully my interviewer will just put them down to nerves :-s though I talked for ages, so hopefully that was a good thing!
A bit strange though that my interview was started with the usual 'Almost everyone is coming into this as a complete beginner, we don't expect you to know anything...etc' then loads of questions about how much language I knew, literature, history, current affairs etc.!

Just got to keep fingers crossed now (though must admit, not feeling overly hopeful about an offer...) and pray that they let us know faster than the 3 weeks it said on the pink sheet!


Edit: Just a thought, was anyone else suprised about how many parents were there? I felt in the minority being by myself a lot of the time!
Reply 17
there were sooo many parents... and I felt like they were more interested in their children beeing accepted to the course than their children...
the good thing of the day was that I got to know two girls the danish and the one from Latvia and it was fun! :smile:
Reply 18
Haha, did you lot get the Viking Studies from 2nd year? Dave, Pete and Andy, by any chance?

You guys had parents? Damn, when it was my interview, we all went on our own and stuff. Can't remember seeing any parents there, but maybe I blocked that **** out. We always get a lot from the Eastern Europe area, no idea why as other countries in that area teach the subject too. Maybe it's just part of being in London. :s-smilie:

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. I'll be back next year and will get to meet some, if not all, of you! Better come to UCL, Edinburgh ain't as good. ;yes; true facts, you heard it first on teh intarwebs.
Reply 19
Yes, there were a fair few parents. Surprised me a bit too. They even came on the tour (directly after the registration).

Yep, we had two Viking Studies guys. I think we must have had Dave and Andy, but they both mentioned a guy called Pete a few times. I don't remember which was which; but one was from Belfast and the other English. They were cool, really welcoming - came across as very enthusiastic for the subject/department, which was a good sign. We also had a session in the "language space" (I think that's what it was called - a high-tech computer language teaching classroom in any case) with a Danish lecturer (the English Viking Studies guy said he owed him 2 pints). So far, everyone I've met from Scan Studies has seemed really into the subject and nice people to boot. Those I met and the day itself definitely confirmed to me that it's the course I want to do. Fingers crossed (or I guess I should actually be holding my thumbs in Scandinavian style!).