The Student Room Group

How do i deal with it?

My ex broke up with me 3 weeks ago, and i admit for the first week i was slightly obsessive (texting him etc) but then i sorted it out and now just act as a best mate! I only text him when he texts me etc

Thing is, now he seems more interested, telling me he loves and misses me and that its hard to see me!

Do u think i should try to avoid him for a while?
Talk to him?

I love him but cant date him as we both arent in the right place mentally and the relationship was becoming destructive!:confused: :frown:
Reply 1
if its not going to work you should cut all contact. just for long enough for you both to get your mind around things and figure out where you stand. keeping in contact can just prolong hurt in my experience.
Reply 2
With the 2 of you not being in the right place mentally then avoid him like the plague!!!

you need to look after yourself!!!