The Student Room Group

Girl advice

Hey Folks, just wanna get a bit of advice on this situation.

I met this girl in work, immediatly i fancied her, she is stunning. Over the next few weeks we got quite friendly and always had a laugh and id notice little things like she'd smile at me for no reason and little pinches (all good signs).

A few of us from work went out one night and she came along, the group ended back at hers and she suggested a stay, which i did. But nothing at all happened. We basically just slept together then in work it was like it never happened. Then came the xmas night out, on that night she sat next next to me and we had a laugh, eventutally i told her i liked her and she said she liked me and that we wud go out 'for a drink sometime' - then we kissed a few times then back to hers and again nothing happened apart from kissing.

Then another night when i was out with mates she text me to see if i was out and i said i couldent get to where she was for various reasons and she suggested i go back to hers when i finished which i did. Again just kissing and a bit of dry humping, but nothing more.

Now shes gone back home before coming back next week for uni, we texted a bit (in a matey way i think) but for the last few weeks things have gone quiet. and the last text i sent i didnt get a reply too, which leads me to think i may have over done it on the text side. Mates are telling me to sit back and she will get in touch but i dunno, its been over a month since we seen eachother and im starting to have doubts. Im thinking leave it a few weeks then if i hear nothing go on and ask for that drink, but id be gutted if i hear nothing especially since the signs were so good.
Reply 1
dude stop wasting time and get her out on that date! she is quite clearly very in to you. start going out with her
whats she look like? fit? u reckon she'd be up for something?

Stop posting.
mind yr own business u bucktoothed chestwig

i seen u touching the ham between classes!

You are a terrible poster.

Get out.
Reply 4
Seems this thread degenerated...
AND U AS WELL, dogbreathed pee-sniffer, take yr hand out yr pocket, grab yrself some kleenex and get outin the real world and find yrself some "hot-cockroach" b4 u die of terminal virginity

Oh man, you've just smashed my pride there, I think I'm gonna have to see the doctor for depression after that. Seriously lol, just gtfo.
The troll is weak in you, young padowan.
Reply 7
Is Cold Plasma some sort of euphemism for man-batter and an allusion to your incessant ham-touchery?
I give your trolling a 2/10, Must try harder.
Reply 9
Dont feed the troll chaps and chapettes.

Reply 10
hmmm anyway!
I havent heard from her in a week now and really dont wanna be the first one to make contact again, as much as id want to. I think i will sit back and see what happens but it aint lookin good. i did really like her too.
hmmm anyway!
I havent heard from her in a week now and really dont wanna be the first one to make contact again, as much as id want to. I think i will sit back and see what happens but it aint lookin good. i did really like her too.

Oh, for crying out loud -- pick up the phone!

It's very likely she's sitting around thinking exactly the same: "Oh, I can't wait for him to call me. I really like him, but I'd better not ring because I don't want to look weak and dependent." You've got a phone; use it.
Reply 12
While that is very true, you have to be careful not to come accross too clingy as it can put girls off (surely some girls will agree here?) - i will ask her at some point, but i just wanna see what she does first, just a lil sign would be great. plus, her not replying to my last text then me texting again, i just dont like the dynamics of that.
Reply 13

i did ask her out in the end 'for that drink' which she said 'we will, got plans this week, but will let you know next week" - ofcourse i didnt hear back. that was a few weeks ago now and since then we've had a few facebook comments etc, sorta like the me asking her out thing didnt happen. Then last week i got a text from her seeing if i was out coz she had lost her mates (unfortunatly i wasnt, gutted i know, could have been the perfect scenario) and anyway, i aint heard from her since. I just wonder if this is salvagable? ive heard nothing from her apart from the above in like a month, surely she would be in contact if she wanted something to happen? id be able to accept this ofcourse but i still think of her, which is weird considering i only knew her a few months and still wonder why something didnt happen especially when it was all go at the start.
Reply 14
bump bump bump!
Then last week i got a text from her seeing if i was out coz she had lost her mates (unfortunatly i wasnt, gutted i know, could have been the perfect scenario) and anyway, i aint heard from her since.

Oh come on! You say you like this girl, and yet you're doing nothing to progress the situation. She's not asking if you're out. She's asking you to meet with her! So, if you're not out, then GET OUT!!! Seriously, how long does it take to throw on something nice, use a bit of deodorant, and go to wherever she is? Whatever the answer is, it can't be too long. I was willing to travel for over 2 hours to see the girl I really cared about. Get some balls, man up, and actually do something other than sitting around the house texting her.
Reply 16
Dinendal Leralonde
Oh come on! You say you like this girl, and yet you're doing nothing to progress the situation. She's not asking if you're out. She's asking you to meet with her! So, if you're not out, then GET OUT!!! Seriously, how long does it take to throw on something nice, use a bit of deodorant, and go to wherever she is? Whatever the answer is, it can't be too long. I was willing to travel for over 2 hours to see the girl I really cared about. Get some balls, man up, and actually do something other than sitting around the house texting her.

I only just saw this reply now. And your talking perfect sense here, it really is one of my biggest regrets...yeah its a learning curve but the cold hard truth is i had chances and didnt take them. Shes seeing someone else now too, which all happened just after when she asked if i was out...why didnt i just ****ing get out like you said? Who knows what could have happened. Proper gutted.