Hey Folks, just wanna get a bit of advice on this situation.
I met this girl in work, immediatly i fancied her, she is stunning. Over the next few weeks we got quite friendly and always had a laugh and id notice little things like she'd smile at me for no reason and little pinches (all good signs).
A few of us from work went out one night and she came along, the group ended back at hers and she suggested a stay, which i did. But nothing at all happened. We basically just slept together then in work it was like it never happened. Then came the xmas night out, on that night she sat next next to me and we had a laugh, eventutally i told her i liked her and she said she liked me and that we wud go out 'for a drink sometime' - then we kissed a few times then back to hers and again nothing happened apart from kissing.
Then another night when i was out with mates she text me to see if i was out and i said i couldent get to where she was for various reasons and she suggested i go back to hers when i finished which i did. Again just kissing and a bit of dry humping, but nothing more.
Now shes gone back home before coming back next week for uni, we texted a bit (in a matey way i think) but for the last few weeks things have gone quiet. and the last text i sent i didnt get a reply too, which leads me to think i may have over done it on the text side. Mates are telling me to sit back and she will get in touch but i dunno, its been over a month since we seen eachother and im starting to have doubts. Im thinking leave it a few weeks then if i hear nothing go on and ask for that drink, but id be gutted if i hear nothing especially since the signs were so good.