I wanted to apply to UCL, but this stupid rule prevented me from doing so - I took my first maths module in year 11 because I'd done the GCSE in year 10, and by the end of year 12, I'd done 5 out of the 6 modules, with C4 left to do in January in Year 13 (i.e. next week - eep), which'll mean I complete my maths A-level. I was planning on dropping Latin and just doing biology and chemistry for A2, but this doesn't conform to their rule; I'd only have two A-levels done in the same sitting. I contacted the admissions office about it, and so did a head of 6th form, but they were really anal about it, despite the fact that I'm not a re-sitter. I ended up deciding not to drop Latin in the end, I should've applied for UCL =[
Most other universities didn't seem to care though, having emailed them. Apparently, Bristol asks for AAA if you're doing two in the same sitting and one earlier.