The Student Room Group

Stupid Annoying Boyfriend

As if you havent had enough of these posts already.

Basically my boyfriend has spent the whole of the christmas holidays revising for some exams that he's just finished. They were REALLY important (not A-Levels - much higher than that) so I left him to it. He's also at college (these exams were outside college) and I'm at uni in different cities so we don't get to see each other much anyway. So I was fine with it all, and he said that he'd come and see me on friday, just for the night cos his exams are over.

Today he told me that he wouldnt be able to come to see me cos he's got a college deadline for next tuesday - which is fair enough cos I'm coming back on wednesday, but I just rang him...

Some random guy answered his phone. It sounded like they were in a pub? I said that I thought I had the wrong number and hung up. So I rang again, and no-one answered. I'm a bit confused as to whats going on? And if he had such a HUGE deadline that he couldnt come up and see me, why is he at the pub?

And before you say he wanted to celebrate with his mates after their exams, they're all at college too and none of them took the exams - so its not as if its a big group thing?

Can anyone shed some light on this?

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Reply 1
Why don't you ring your boyfriend again and ask him yourself, we're not psychic!

no offence.
Reply 2
we have no way of telling you what your boyfriend is doing :s-smilie:
ring him again and if he doessnt answer send a text. speak to him about what hes been up to.
Reply 3
I rang him again. No answer. And again. No answer. So I text him saying "Where are you?" No answer.

Men. Can't live with them, can't live without them
Hmm. Maybe he was just taking a break?

Sometimes when I'm working to a Uni deadline I say I can't go out for a night out but I can come for a couple of drinks at the pub.

Maybe that was it. He probably hasn't got the time to come and see you, especially if you're in a LDR but I see no harm in him just going out for a couple of hours to take a break.

Hmmm. I don't know though. It depends what happens when you speak to him or not.
It sounds like he's lying to you, and because your away doesn't have to deal with the consequences. I'd sit down with him in person and get straight to the point, see what he's got to say for himself and then go from there :smile:.

Sometimes people just need space, but seen as though your away from each other i can't see why it would be that..other than exam stress and relax time not girlfriend time..
Think of this carefully though. A night at the pub is just a few hours and often a good break from work. Visiting you, even for just one night would take up so much more time than that.

You also cannot be sure that he himself was as the pub (though it's likely).

So just be careful before you start worrying or jumping to conclusions or getting angry :smile:

Just try and talk to him. But also do not get angry or confrontational with him about it - that is sure to cause a problem if you do - and there might not even have been a problem in the first place.
Reply 7
Maybe he doesn't really like you.
Reply 8
Jillie Boe
Hmm. Maybe he was just taking a break?

Sometimes when I'm working to a Uni deadline I say I can't go out for a night out but I can come for a couple of drinks at the pub.

Maybe that was it. He probably hasn't got the time to come and see you, especially if you're in a LDR but I see no harm in him just going out for a couple of hours to take a break.

Hmmm. I don't know though. It depends what happens when you speak to him or not.

The thing is, he never goes out "for a couple with the lads" so to speak. It's always either a full blow out or nothing. We're not THAT long distance, as its only an hour train away, which is nothing really.

Grrr.... it just frustrates me that he can't come and see me for a night yet can go out with his mates for a lads night out. Could he not do that tuesday AFTER the deadline? Makes sense to me
Reply 9
Sounds to me like you dialled a wrong number, hell you even said it yourself. Maybe he's not answering his phone because of a big deadline? Seems to make sense don't you think?
Reply 10
Maybe he doesn't really like you.

Ignore him. there's so many posibilities, the only way of really knowing is by speaking to him so wait for him to get in contact with you. try not to stress about it.
Well this relationship is dead in the water.
Reply 12
Finally a reply "having a drink" ... he has such a way with words :smile:
Reply 13
I'm inclined to agree with Jillie. As soon as I read the pub part, I thought, 'Maybe he's just there taking a quick break,' assuming you must be some distance from him.
Reply 14
Ignore him. there's so many posibilities, the only way of really knowing is by speaking to him so wait for him to get in contact with you. try not to stress about it.

Therefore, my answer to the 'question' is just as relevant as anyone else's.

Durr it's not all durr happy happy durr durr durr.
Reply 15
sorry to be so blunt but i reckon he's moved on from you after not seeing you for a while and maybe just thinks it'll be easier if you don't see eachother anymore.
sorry but it's probably the truth.
Reply 16
I understand why you must feel hurt. He's being a bit of a **** to be honest - tell him how you feel I guess.
He went to the pub with some mates, big deal, whether to celebrate finishing exams or not. People aren't automatons, they do have to take breaks even when they have a deadline -like he does next tuesday - and obviously while you know your boyfriend better than most, he might just have wanted to spent time away from your nagging him about his deadline and why you can't see him. That's probably why he's not answering, because he just wants a break from his work and you. Don't be a bunny boiler, leave him to his life.
Reply 18
Don't worry, I enjoy people mocking this sort of inanely stupid post. As long as there is some sort of advice to go alongside it. It gives me hope that there is still some comedy in the world.
men; can't live with 'em, can't slam their head in a door until they give in to your every whim.

he'll talk to you when he wants to i guess. if i were you i'd just leave it a while and see if it gets any better.