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Am I being irrational thinking he might be cheating?

I'm in an LDR with my boyfriend and I was supposed to be visiting this weekend but he's been really off this week, and texted me last night basically saying he didn't think it was a good idea for me to come as apparentyl I have too much work, despite the fact I actually don't. He hasn't replied to my texts since then which is making me feel rubbish :frown:

So I got home and logged on facebook (as you do) and had a quick look at his ex's profile (shh. I can't help it) and her last two status updates were ' wishing some guys had more confidence' and ' scared in a good way'. The second status update was the same time as my boyfriend got home because he'd been working late (they work together, had been dating a year and a half). Then I looked at the 'how they know each other thing' which had changed from 'they used to date but not now' to 'they used to date and are still dating'. I know that could be a facebook glitch but...I don't know.

Do you guys think I'm being paranoid here? I know, before anyone tells me, looking at his ex's facebook is not healthy but I was curious. And I also know I need to talk to him, but he always seems to be busy when I try :frown:
Reply 1
Facebook wouldn't randomly glitch. I'm afraid someone would have to manually change it.

Does sound rather suspicious but then again I can only guess from what you've told me.

No I don't think you are being paranoid. Confront him about it.
The only thing that gets my spidey sense tingling at all is that relationship status change thing. It's a bit fishy. You could ask him about it but I wouldn't get in a strop about it or anything.
Reply 3
I think you're right - it wouldn't be a glitch - get yourself over to his and find out the truth

Damn - was really hoping for someone to tell me to pull myself together! There's no way I'm going all the way to his after the way he's been acting this week but I know I've got to talk to him. Thanks for the input, guys.
He has dumped you and gone back to his old girlfriend. He just hasn't got the guts to tell you.
Reply 5
really you need to ask yourself if you trust him. if you get paranoid about this it will come between you, pull your relationship apart and generally **** you up.
is there any other reason for you to think hes cheating on you?
keep trying to see him him, convince him youre on top of your work and see what he does.
Well I would normally say the fact you need to go through is facebook would suggest you don't trust him, but now you've seen that, I suggest you confront him and tell him that you don't have much work to do.
Its facebook,it must be true.....not.

If that the was basis then i'd be married to and dating half my friends on facebook.
But the rest of his behaviour is very suspisious.
Reply 8
If he was cheating, why would they make it obvious ANYWHERE on the net that you might even find after serious searching? People aren't very good at hiding things.

Although I do admit it seems suspicious :/
Reply 9
Well if I were in your situation I'd probably not bother getting in touch with him and leave it up to him to contact you. You could also try playing around with your status on facebook, or explain the situation to a good male friend of yours that he doesn't know or have access to their profile and get your friend to leave you a couple of flirty messages on your wall. I don't think this would really achieve much but you could always see if it provokes a reaction from him. Don't bother asking him about the facebook stuff to do with his ex, it'll make you seem paranoid.
*Points at sig*

Such an arse when i do that, but it makes sense.
Reply 11
I think it was perfectly reasonable to go on to his facebook. If it was just random suspicions then I would say no but you obviously have picked up a change in his attitude, which seems to coincide with other stuff on his facebook. I would confront him about it, bringing up the fact that he's avoided seeing you.
If you don't feel comfortable doing that then do what hellosailor suggested.