Hiya, UCL gives you exit opportunities to any post grad course and any job. From IB/Consulting to masters at Oxbridge/Ivy League (I think the figure is 40% into postgrad study, and something I am looking at myself, although need to push up my grade a bit too attain that first, which isn't exactly neccessary for post grad study but is helpful for funding).
The people on here telling you that lse has better exit ops don't seem to have gone through the process of these ops.
They are both at the level where all doors are open. Econ + Phil is taught by the phil department which I do not know much about, but from earlier in this thread apparently teaches well.
About LSE Vs UCL. Personally my first choice was Oxford, which I didn't get and LSE was my 4th. Due to the teaching culture. However, the straight econ course at LSE is more competitive. The one thing that I do have a hang up on is the apparent ease which other courses switch onto their straight course (at LSE).
Edit: People saying 2.1 from LSE >1st from UCL I am laughing XD.