The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I prefer blackcurrent squash and sparkling water. Cheaper (and healthier) than Vimto :redface:
Reply 2
I'll stick to advocaat with my lemonade thanks :p:
lemon or blackcurrant cordial is better, or ribena and lemonade. but not orange squash and lemonade ;no;
Reply 4
add ice cream to that
add ice cream to that

last time I tried that it fizzed up and was overflowing :frown:
Summer fruits squash and lemonade FTW tastes a bit like skittles!

I prefer fresh OJ and lemonade if it's orange you're after-heaven!
Reply 7
last time I tried that it fizzed up and was overflowing :frown:

so quickly suck that up. the froths lovely
fizzy orange is def one my favouritist ever drinks
Reply 9
add ice cream to that

How could I forget something so great :frown:
Although Ice-cream with cream soda is also good :smile:
OP, you are obviously very bored. :wink: :biggrin:
Reply 11
I tried that once, not too bad. Nothing compared to orange juice with lemonade though, and of course nothing could compare with Orange Juice and Bitter Lemon Soda. Nothing.
i like orange squash made with lemonade instead of water. hate lemonade with ice cream though blech