The Student Room Group
Reply 1

I applied as well (for the 2nd gathered field), but heard nothing back though.....
Reply 2
im aspiring for that degree actually...been researching it for a while- Love developement economics. but anyway i guess i have to get through the undergraduate hurdle first!lol
im guessing you guys are pursuing a career in Developement....roles in the world bank, etc....?

and btw how competitive is it? is having a 'first' usually the norm?
Reply 3
LSEecon: would u mind telling me for which gathered field did u apply?

Reply 4
LSEecon: would u mind telling me for which gathered field did u apply?


According to p. 16 of the guidance note booklet, it must have been the second one. So you'll probably also hear from them soon.:smile:
Reply 5
I applied to the 1st gathered field. I was then told I was being put forward to the next gathered field for re-evaluation and asked to send a further reference.
Reply 6
I applied to the 1st gathered field. I was then told I was being put forward to the next gathered field for re-evaluation and asked to send a further reference.

... which effectively means you applied in the 2nd field as well.:wink:
Reply 7
I applied to the 1st gathered field. I was then told I was being put forward to the next gathered field for re-evaluation and asked to send a further reference.


I got my offer today as well :smile:

LSEecon: did ur offer say anything about the financial side of the deal? that is, where and when do we find out if we have been granted any scholarships by the university of oxford or any of the colleges or trusts?

Reply 8
hey, congrats!
Nope my letter just gave the offer, no financial conditions. I think the college letter sets out any conditions. What college did you apply to?
Also what was the academic condition of your offer? I've been set a really tough one to meet so am pretty nervous!!

Reply 9
I think I put down St.Cross for my first choice. Didn t really knew which one to choose :P
The condition is that I have an average of over 9 in my last year of study (10 being the highest grade).

hey, congrats!
Nope my letter just gave the offer, no financial conditions. I think the college letter sets out any conditions. What college did you apply to?
Also what was the academic condition of your offer? I've been set a really tough one to meet so am pretty nervous!!


Big congrats!
I applied for MPhil Econ in 3rd gathered field. I'm still waiting ...
By the way, what academic condition did they set for you? 1st class degree result? Or a specific average mark?
I am considering applying next year.

- May I ask you what pieces of work you sumbitted to your application?
(I am wondering whether that does have to be necessarily in the development context. I have a good one from a development econ module, the other one I thought of would however be a game theory essay. You think that would work?)

- Also, was your undergraduate dissertation on development econ?

thx for any comments
Reply 12
I submitted an essay about structual reforms and a commentary of an article written by Lucas, all was pretty descriptive, no original research or anything, I did however wrote the about the gist of the topic and my opinion on it

i think u re fine with ur choice

My undergrad thesis is in progress, that is, the title is in formation :smile: and no, it will probably not be on a development topic

Reply 13
Hopefully this post will stay here :-).

I created a Facebook group for people like me: coming to Oxford this autumn for MSc Economics for Development!
Reply 14
haha, im waiting for more people to join before I do!!
Reply 15
Original post by LSEecon
haha, im waiting for more people to join before I do!!

what are you guys doing now? how was the course?