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Reply 1
"Your face."
Anything that generally followed with the (highly original) 'head'.
Par example,
"Yeah well ... you're a tree-head!"
Reply 3
'it takes one to know one'
'Yo mama'
Reply 5

I grew up with two older sisters, who didn't much get on at the time. As such, they used to call each other "cow" quite a lot. As an infant, I latched onto it, realising it was faintly taboo or insulting. I assume I added the "sy" bit myself.

Apparently I'd scream it at my Mum when I was pissed off with her taking me around the shops. Needless to say, I was quite an awkward child.
Reply 6
'I know you are, you say you are but what am I?'
Reply 7
"Go home." LOL. (Of course, this won't work in the case that you're on the telephone with the other party, and they are home...they'll just go right ahead and say "I AM home.")
Reply 8
Your Mom!
Reply 9
Your mum's a dad.

Wait, I still use that one...=P
"Yeah, but shame about....YOUR FACE"

When people try and rip into me and end up bombing, "Y'know what, that was really funny, i'll write that one down and use it next time"
Reply 11
'it takes one to know one'

I used that one too, although at the time I did not know what it meant :p:
Reply 12
'I know you are, you say you are but what am I?'


And, the legendary: 'your gay'.
Reply 13
haha yeh the old 'i know you are, you said you are but what am i'

sadly i was also one of those children that tended to mimic peopel to piss them off.

i loved the old '*gasp* meeeerrrrssssyyyyy' that i used as a kid when anyone did anythign wrong XD
Reply 14
It has to be 'I know you are, you say you are but what am I?'. Although not really an insult, when ever some did something wrong it makes me laugh to think how another kid would say 'I'mmmm geeetttin' yooou duuuuuunnnn....' and then run off in search of a teacher, damn that was so annoying.
Reply 15
"You smell" was a common one.

I never really insulted anyone much, I was a very quiet child.
"You're gay."
Reply 17
Haha. I remember: "I'm telling of you, because you jumped in the pond and kissed James Bond" and "You closed the gate and made me late"
Reply 19
"get lost!" to which my brother would always reply "where am I?" *looks around*

that used to wind me up something rotten. Although usually with my older brothers we wouldn't name call we would wrestle or fight...I once threw a remote at his head (I accidently hit his head -I had a crap aim) then he chased me and I ran and hid in the bathroom...

"err you've got the lergy (sp?)"

"om om om om om om om om om om om om om i'm telling on you"

"you're gay" was quite popular, as well as "I know you are but what am I"

lol and the stupid "are you a virgin" question when no one knew what it meant, along with ridiculous inuendos of "do you have a pencil" although i wouldnt be suprised if that was just my table that I used to sit at in school.