The Student Room Group

getting flashed for passing a red light??

hey basically i was going along great west road yestaday and i went throught the traffic lights as they just turned red, also i wasnt going very fast (max 20mph) but i saw a flash the same flash that you see from speed cameras. thing is im not sure if it was me who got flashed or someone else, can anyone confirm if you do indeed get flashed for going through red lights and if so wat is the penalty?

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Once the police put their sirens on and had to chase me for a minute because I didnt realise they were for me.. and pulled me over for going through an amber. No joke. But all they did was check up on my details and stuff..
I dont know how the camera would have known it was red, unless its some new thing they do. And think how many people go through reds everyday.. we probably would have heard something about a camera penalty if there was on.
Your probably fine.. and it could have just been someone taking a photo outside maybe?
Reply 2
Some traffic lights do have red light cameras ... they're not speed cameras as far as I know (but they do record your speed as you go through the red light) ... that are there to catch people going through red lights. If you went through a red light and it flashed then chances are you'll get a fine in the post.

Edit: Apparently some of them do flash for speed too -

And it's the standard 3 points and £60 by the looks of things.
There are cameras about on traffic lights that are there solely for the purpose of catching people who do go through red lights. If you literaly passed through just as they changed red then I'm afraid there is the possibility that you are the cause for the flash and have been caught by one. You'll just have to wait a few weeks and see if anything comes through the post.
Reply 4
Yeh there are loads of these cameras around where I live. They flash twice to do the normal thing; takes 2 photos in order to prove you were moving to the courts.

But you won't get fined for speeding as well, if you were, just for jumping the lights.
Reply 5
Yeh there are loads of these cameras around where I live. They flash twice to do the normal thing; takes 2 photos in order to prove you were moving to the courts.

But you won't get fined for speeding as well, if you were, just for jumping the lights.

T'was a red light camera.. 3 points a £60 fine I'm afraid.. (could be wrong) Theres one near me, I passed the camera to turn left when a bn'q lorry pulled up. I was stuck just past the lights and they started to change, me just past them turning left but not moving. I couldnt stay where I was, but now I'm worrying I got caught, but then I couldnt stay where I was as I'd passed the lights.. hopefully they only got the side of my car.. pesky cameras.. hmmm..
Once the police put their sirens on and had to chase me for a minute because I didnt realise they were for me.. and pulled me over for going through an amber. No joke. But all they did was check up on my details and stuff..
I dont know how the camera would have known it was red, unless its some new thing they do. And think how many people go through reds everyday.. we probably would have heard something about a camera penalty if there was on.
Your probably fine.. and it could have just been someone taking a photo outside maybe?

red light cameras are linked to the ATS controller so of course thet know when you've crossed a red light !!!

given the fact you have a history of failing to stop through cluelessness as well have you considered pass plus or a refresher, as you r observation skills appear a little lacking...
red light cameras are linked to the ATS controller so of course thet know when you've crossed a red light !!!

given the fact you have a history of failing to stop through cluelessness as well have you considered pass plus or a refresher, as you r observation skills appear a little lacking...

Oh oops.. I didnt know about them.
Was that last bit aimed at me?
Reply 8
Once the police put their sirens on and had to chase me for a minute because I didnt realise they were for me.. and pulled me over for going through an amber. No joke. But all they did was check up on my details and stuff..
I dont know how the camera would have known it was red, unless its some new thing they do. And think how many people go through reds everyday.. we probably would have heard something about a camera penalty if there was on.
Your probably fine.. and it could have just been someone taking a photo outside maybe?

thanks that made me feel a bit betta, but i think i did get flashed ohh well your post does give me some hope :smile:

thank you
Reply 9
red light cameras are linked to the ATS controller so of course thet know when you've crossed a red light !!!

given the fact you have a history of failing to stop through cluelessness as well have you considered pass plus or a refresher, as you r observation skills appear a little lacking...

hmm, maybe if this made sense i mite have been able to provide a response:rolleyes:
hmm, maybe if this made sense i mite have been able to provide a response:rolleyes:

That confused me too! And cos he was quoting me I dont know if he meant me =S
Lol even if I was wrong, at least I made you feel a bit better. Just be thankful the police didnt chase you and pull you over. Soo embarrasing..
Reply 11
Some lights do have cameras to check for people jumping lights.

If caught, you will probably get a TS10, 3 points and a £60 fine.
Reply 12
i just noticed i got negative rep (with a quite offensive comment) from someone on this thread i wonder who that was lol, quite a cheap shot if you ask me which just underlines your personal ignorance.
Reply 13
Dw, i got a similar thing from ZippyRN a couple of threads back...power trips are marvellous things :rolleyes:

Did you get an essay too?

As for the flash, if it flashed once, you are prob ok, if you get a NIP in the post, contest it if you have valid reason!
Reply 14
I have one too.
We should start a new club. The "I got negged by a condescending, self absorbed, little hitler club"
Reply 15
no no jc that was a pos :teeth: it said I hate you though :^_^:
Reply 16
lol, yes I have that one...

Thread: How do you check a used...
Date: 19-01-2008 16:08
Comment: pos:


Lilian "

+ some random smilys.
Reply 17
Reply 18
lol. silly sod.
Reply 19
nice big bump..

my dad was driving the other day and the lights we were approaching changed to red. my dad braked (a bit late obv.) but we went over the line by a couple of feet i think - the junction with the other set of lights was nowhere near where we were (M4 junction in cardiff with the Mcdonalds/24hour Asda of anyone knows it) and the red light camera flashed but we are 99% certain that the camera flashed after we stopped moving.

what are our chances?