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Open study college- is this trustworthy and is it seen as a qualification


I’ve done my A-Levels and graduated from University last July in Criminology. However since I’ve left university I’ve felt so lost and have struggled to find a career path that I want to go down.

Recently I have found a growing interest in Counselling where I can combine my degree to counsel victims/offenders etc. I’m not sure where it’s best to get this qualification, the Open Study College provides qualification in this sector which also allows me to continue working at my job but I don’t know if it’s trustworthy or even seen as a qualification.

Could I get some opinions or some experiences with this study college?
Reply 1
Original post by Rhi_1995

I’ve done my A-Levels and graduated from University last July in Criminology. However since I’ve left university I’ve felt so lost and have struggled to find a career path that I want to go down.

Recently I have found a growing interest in Counselling where I can combine my degree to counsel victims/offenders etc. I’m not sure where it’s best to get this qualification, the Open Study College provides qualification in this sector which also allows me to continue working at my job but I don’t know if it’s trustworthy or even seen as a qualification.

Could I get some opinions or some experiences with this study college?

The Open Study College is the name of the place. It's the same as saying "I went to Cambridge University" in that it doesn't tell you what you did there. The place is reputable, but it doesn't mean that your intended course is going to be recognised or that it will be useful for what you want to do.

The Open Study College have many courses in counselling, and some are better than others. If you look at drugs and alcohol counselling you'll see that under "outcomes" it says "The completion of this course alone does not lead to an Ofqual regulated qualification, but may be used as evidence of knowledge and skills towards regulated qualifications in the future", which means that it's one of the less useful qualifications. If you look at this then you're getting a CIE certificate, and that's more valued. You want a course that someone else has verified; anyone will say that the course they made is brilliant, but if another organisation agrees then it's much more likely to be.

With counselling, you also want to be looking at a course that involves practical work and experience. Theory is helpful, but the job role will involve doing it so you need to have experience in the practical aspects. This may be where an online course struggles compared to a classroom based course. Things like body language and tone of voice are very important, and even if you had videoed sessions it might not be as possible to pick up on these aspects.
I have joined the Student room to look for a reputable college. My daughter has studied with The Open Study College and after completion of 2 courses bought at the same time, she was looking forward to applying and being placed in a job only to discover that both courses have no recognition or authority whatsoever! Despite over a year of study, she remains unqualified. In hindsight, the lack of support or communication from this company makes a lot more sense. They are not going to waste time on teaching a course that ultimately has no outcome. I have tried contacting the college and my calls are never returned. I know it was a mistake on my part, not researching enough as I should have checked more thoroughly - upon checking there is lots of negative reviews. Unfortunately, this time duped, so for everyone else out there please do the research, ensure it is an actual/real college you are enrolling with not just a money making scam. :angry:
(edited 7 years ago)
Original post by sam_mead12
I have joined the Student room to look for a reputable college. My daughter has studied with The Open Study College and after completion of 2 courses bought at the same time, she was looking forward to applying and being placed in a job only to discover that both courses have no recognition or authority whatsoever! Despite over a year of study, she remains unqualified. In hindsight, the lack of support or communication from this company makes a lot more sense. They are not going to waste time on teaching a course that ultimately has no outcome. I have tried contacting the college and my calls are never returned. I know it was a mistake on my part, not researching enough as I should have checked more thoroughly - upon checking there is lots of negative reviews. Unfortunately, this time duped, so for everyone else out there please do the research, ensure it is an actual/real college you are enrolling with not just a money making scam. :angry:

Hi thank you for sharing your experience, I am sorry that, that happened to your daughter, as someone who has also just left University and doesn't want to pursue a career directly in line with their degree I was thinking about taking another A level so that I could be considered for a Masters in Environmental science, I can came across the Open study college as they run a Environmental Science A level, something I never heard of whilst at school but could be perfect, however now quite un nerved considering what you have just said! I wondered if it may have been the type of course your daughter took that was the problem or whether all of the qualifications associated with the college are not useful?
Original post by Rhi_1995
I’ve done my A-Levels and graduated from University last July in Criminology. However since I’ve left university I’ve felt so lost and have struggled to find a career path that I want to go down.
Recently I have found a growing interest in Counselling where I can combine my degree to counsel victims/offenders etc. I’m not sure where it’s best to get this qualification, the Open Study College provides qualification in this sector which also allows me to continue working at my job but I don’t know if it’s trustworthy or even seen as a qualification.
Could I get some opinions or some experiences with this study college?

I enrolled in a course with Open Study College, fully expecting to receive the high level of tutor support and quality of materials that they advertise. Unfortunately, my experience has been nothing short of disappointing.
Firstly, the tutor support that was promised simply didn’t exist. After receiving a single introductory email from my assigned tutor, Teodora, I reached out with a follow-up question, but never received any response. I sent additional emails, including one to the correct address provided, but was met with silence. Open Study College claims their tutors are responsive within 24 hours this couldn’t be further from my experience.
Even worse, during a period of 2-3 months where I wasn’t able to log in or continue with the course, there was zero outreach from the tutor or the college to check on my progress or offer support. This complete lack of engagement is unacceptable, especially for a distance learning course where communication is crucial.
When I raised these issues with Open Study College, their responses were dismissive, claiming they hadn’t received my emails and suggesting I switch to a new course or extend my tutor support. However, none of these "solutions" addressed the core issues of poor communication and a lack of tutor engagement. Despite my clear dissatisfaction with the course content and tutor support, they showed no willingness to admit any wrongdoing.
To make matters worse, when I researched further, I found many other complaints online that echoed my experience. It’s clear that this is not an isolated incident.
For anyone considering Open Study College, I would strongly advise you to research carefully and be aware that the level of support and quality they promise may not be what you actually receive. My experience has left me feeling frustrated, and I will not be recommending this service to anyone.

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