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Breaking up with a long term girlfriend

I could do with cheering up :frown: I broke up with my girlfriend of about 3 years and dont really know what to do with myself at the moment.. It came out of nowhere, and I replied with 'no I dont want to come see you and I'm not sure when we will talk again' sorta text. I said right up till the end I loved her she started saying she didnt want to be together because she thought I could do better (long story) then said that I dont show her I love her, then that she ''didnt love me in the same way''. Not that money matters but to make things worse I spent £300 on her xmas present, paid for all our food etc. I wouldve done anything for her, didnt feel appreciated let alone loved for a while, and cant help but feel.. well used isnt the right word, but I cant help but feel like shes strung me along for a while. I used to show her how I fet everyway possible, yet she'd accuse me of 'having feelings' for others even though I gave up even talking to girls who were 'interested' to not mmake her feel uncomfortable, yet she'd talk to ex's all the time. I dunno, part of me was begining to find it hard to trust her towards the end.. I dont know why I'm writing this on here, part of me wants to hate her, the other cant, and another part of me just wants to move on, the other won't trust another girl for a long time.. I miss her but can't stand to talk to her at the mo. Meh I dont really want any responses to this but it helps to write it down I suppose lol..
Reply 1
im sorry mate i know how much it hurts. i wont lie its a real **** and will be for a while. however it does sound like youre better off without this one.
take your time to grieve and be sad, dont bother even thinking about contacting her though. pretty soon you will see you are happier without her and you will find better elsewhere.
just take your time and do things which make you happy
I could do with cheering up :frown: I broke up with my girlfriend of about 3 years and dont really know what to do with myself at the moment.. It came out of nowhere, and I replied with 'no I dont want to come see you and I'm not sure when we will talk again' sorta text. I said right up till the end I loved her she started saying she didnt want to be together because she thought I could do better (long story) then said that I dont show her I love her, then that she ''didnt love me in the same way''. Not that money matters but to make things worse I spent £300 on her xmas present, paid for all our food etc. I wouldve done anything for her, didnt feel appreciated let alone loved for a while, and cant help but feel.. well used isnt the right word, but I cant help but feel like shes strung me along for a while. I used to show her how I fet everyway possible, yet she'd accuse me of 'having feelings' for others even though I gave up even talking to girls who were 'interested' to not mmake her feel uncomfortable, yet she'd talk to ex's all the time. I dunno, part of me was begining to find it hard to trust her towards the end.. I dont know why I'm writing this on here, part of me wants to hate her, the other cant, and another part of me just wants to move on, the other won't trust another girl for a long time.. I miss her but can't stand to talk to her at the mo. Meh I dont really want any responses to this but it helps to write it down I suppose lol..

Well I know it feels, being in the same situation few months ago. I mean if that's how she feels at the end of the day then really it is her own loss not yours. If you did everything you could then you can't blame yourself for this.

My ex did the same thing, accused me of not supporting her when I knew that weren't true, course part of me absolutely hated her and you won't want to talk to her for it for a while. I mean my ex starting being really selfish so really she wasn't even worth being friends with by having that sort of attitude.

I tried recently to talk to her again suggesting being friends like she promised when she broke up but all I got was either a one word answer or she didn't want to know, so I say again she's not worth being down over, she sounds very selfish. You deserve much better.
Reply 3
you broke up with her over text?! harsshh..

sound she wasn't that good for you any way tbh,
as they say
'there are plenty more fish in the sea'

oh lord cannot believe i just wrote that!
Reply 4
It is going to be hard for a bit but keep you head up, spend time with friends, watch tv, eat chocolate even cry. Do what ever it takes to make yourself feel better and in the end you will start to feel better. It make time but in the end you will be able to find someone else who will treat you better and that you can love and trust.
Reply 5
I could do with cheering up :frown: I broke up with my girlfriend of about 3 years and dont really know what to do with myself at the moment.. It came out of nowhere, and I replied with 'no I dont want to come see you and I'm not sure when we will talk again' sorta text. I said right up till the end I loved her she started saying she didnt want to be together because she thought I could do better (long story) then said that I dont show her I love her, then that she ''didnt love me in the same way''. Not that money matters but to make things worse I spent £300 on her xmas present, paid for all our food etc. I wouldve done anything for her, didnt feel appreciated let alone loved for a while, and cant help but feel.. well used isnt the right word, but I cant help but feel like shes strung me along for a while. I used to show her how I fet everyway possible, yet she'd accuse me of 'having feelings' for others even though I gave up even talking to girls who were 'interested' to not mmake her feel uncomfortable, yet she'd talk to ex's all the time. I dunno, part of me was begining to find it hard to trust her towards the end.. I dont know why I'm writing this on here, part of me wants to hate her, the other cant, and another part of me just wants to move on, the other won't trust another girl for a long time.. I miss her but can't stand to talk to her at the mo. Meh I dont really want any responses to this but it helps to write it down I suppose lol..

At the end of the day, you went with your gut instinct and no one can knock you for that :smile:
Reply 6
lol In a way I feel like I should be more upset than I am.. I guess I'm confused more than anything.. we've broken up once before and I was devistated, but this time I feel like I know I love her and should be more upset than I am, but on the other hand feel so different to last time.. She has a habit of making everything seem like my fault, and it was getting hard as it felt like I was constantly trying to keep her happy, but I'm really missing certain things about her.. It sounds selfish, but it almost sounds like the relationship had to be at her convenience..
Reply 7
am i mis-reading this or did she break up with you?
Reply 8
how do you mean? sorry having a slow day lol
Reply 9
Don't feel bad for not feeling bad.
If that makes any sense haha.
Reply 10
am i mis-reading this or did she break up with you?

yup she did.
Reply 11
yup she did.

she broke up with me by phone, and I sent that text after lol sorry I wasnt too clear..
Reply 12
The best I can say is :hugs:.

A friend of mine got dumped by his girlfriend of 4.5 years on Christmas day. It sucks so much, and I have nothing but sympathy for you. It'll be ok, but it will hurt for a while.
Reply 13
The best I can say is :hugs:.

A friend of mine got dumped by his girlfriend of 4.5 years on Christmas day. It sucks so much, and I have nothing but sympathy for you. It'll be ok, but it will hurt for a while.

Girls can be so so evil.
Reply 14
The best I can say is :hugs:.

A friend of mine got dumped by his girlfriend of 4.5 years on Christmas day. It sucks so much, and I have nothing but sympathy for you. It'll be ok, but it will hurt for a while.

Cheers. That's really harsh! That's gotta sting.. I'm feeling a bit better already.. I guess theres nothing I can do anymore and I'll just have to try and get on with it for now.. I want to still 'be freinds' in a way, but part of me just knows thats not going to work. not now anyway.. stupid as it seems, I know me and I'll feel better everyday until I see her with someone else when I'tl come running back.. Sitting here watching Macgyver definatley isnt me feel less down though, that's for sure lol

edit: **** so much for annonomous.. meh,,
Reply 15
Cheers. That's really harsh! That's gotta sting.. I'm feeling a bit better already.. I guess theres nothing I can do anymore and I'll just have to try and get on with it for now.. I want to still 'be freinds' in a way, but part of me just knows thats not going to work. not now anyway.. stupid as it seems, I know me and I'll feel better everyday until I see her with someone else when I'tl come running back.. Sitting here watching Macgyver definatley isnt me feel less down though, that's for sure lol

edit: **** so much for annonomous.. meh,,

lol don't worry about the anon thing.

MacGuyver makes all things better :biggrin:
Reply 16
lol don't worry about the anon thing.

MacGuyver makes all things better :biggrin:

he just escaped guys with guns by filling the cover from a sail from a boat with helium, and attaching naval distress flags to say ''help'', and tying it with fishing line.. right after taking out a guy by throughing the fishing bait on the line at his head. you can't make this stuff up!!:laugh:
Reply 17
Very classy :biggrin:

I remember on quite clearly. He's in Hungary working with gypsies (naturally). They do actually go to Hungary as well. Then there's an entire scene that's just been copied and pasted from The Italian Job. That's when I realise that the only reason they're in Hungary is that the flag is the same as the Italians', just rotated 90 degrees - the flag appears in the Italian Job scene when the minis jump over the roof.
