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Hi, for the A Level English Literature course I do, we have to memorise quotes and stuff from Othello. I wanted some suggestions of key quotes from Othello. Please include the act and scene number. Also, any good wider reading quotes and criticisms please!
Reply 1
This is all a little rough since I did mine end of last year but here's the ones that were stressed to us to remember:

Thick lips - easy to remember, said p much every scene - good for racism, prejudice
The green eyed monster quote (Scene 3, Act 3) - good for jealousy, Othello/Desdemona, dangers of love, Iago
Reputation is an idle and most false imposition, oft got without merit and lost without deserving - Act 2, scene 3 - good for questions about reputation, rumours, lies,
Whatever you can from Emilia's speech, really. Every line is probably a paragraph's worth of analysis (4.3.84-103) - good for husbands and wives, feminism, female characters
She lov'd me for the dangers I had pass'd, And I lov'd her that she did pity them (act 1, scene 3) - Othello/Desdemona, reality vs illusion

Hope this helps!
Reply 2
I would recommend getting the Cambridge student guide for Othello, it's full of really useful info and works as wider reading, offering various critical approaches and contextual information. Also I like "trifles light as air are to the jealous confirmations strong" for jealousy
Original post by abegum13
Hi, for the A Level English Literature course I do, we have to memorise quotes and stuff from Othello. I wanted some suggestions of key quotes from Othello. Please include the act and scene number. Also, any good wider reading quotes and criticisms please!

Are you studying Othello as a tragedy? If so, I can send you my notes if you'd like. I got an A* in English Lit.
Reply 4
Original post by Jasaron
Are you studying Othello as a tragedy? If so, I can send you my notes if you'd like. I got an A* in English Lit.

Wow, yeah, it would be amazing if you could!
Original post by Jasaron
Are you studying Othello as a tragedy? If so, I can send you my notes if you'd like. I got an A* in English Lit.

hi, well done on your A*! could you please also send me your notes if you dont mind? thank you!!
Original post by Jasaron
Are you studying Othello as a tragedy? If so, I can send you my notes if you'd like. I got an A* in English Lit.

Hello, would you possibly be able to send me the notes? Thank you so much!
can you send me your notes too please
Original post by COYSCOYS
Are you studying Othello as a tragedy? If so, I can send you my notes if you'd like. I got an A* in English Lit.

can you send me your notes too please
Original post by COYSCOYS
Are you studying Othello as a tragedy? If so, I can send you my notes if you'd like. I got an A* in English Lit.

Hi I’m also studying Othello, would you be able to send me the notes as well?
Original post by COYSCOYS
Are you studying Othello as a tragedy? If so, I can send you my notes if you'd like. I got an A* in English Lit.

I just saw a few people asked you for the notes but if you could send me also please that’d be awesome since I’mma be studying it in y12
Same, would appreciate it a lot if you could send me the notes as well !
Reply 12
Please can you send me it too?
Can you send them to me too please

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