The Student Room Group

is this a bad body image?

posting anonymous as i dont want people who know me on here to basically know i'm feeling like this! strangers tend to give the honest answer

anyway i'm 5'1 so quite small but i feel and look "dumpy" if thats the word for it :s-smilie:
basically because i'm so small i look fat and feel fat :frown:
i weight 8 1/2 stone but people on here lately have been posting saying they're the same height as me but weigh lyk 7 stone and something around that mark, its got me thinking and i feel like i need to loose weight now
the past week or so alls i've been eating is wholemeal toast for breakfast then basically nothing all day, maybe a couple of pieces of toast again at night, really stupid i know but this is how much i feel i need to loose weight
i just feel really down atm, hating my body image so just want to know what your views are on this little hurdle

my question to you is being 5'1 and 8 1/2 stone fat?
i certainly feel it!

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Reply 1
It's not fat at all, your a perfectly healthy weight for your height. :smile:
Eating less like you have been probably won't help to lose weight either as your metabolism will slow down. Exercise is the best way to lose weight if you really want, but you don't need to.
Assuming you're around 18, you're at the 53rd percentile for your age and height.
Reply 3
If you don't feel happy about the way you look, make some tiny changes to your lifestyle. Stop eating crisps, maybe. Start eating apples. Little things like that will make you feel better. It's not your weight compared to other people, it's how active you are and how well you eat.
Reply 4
A quick search on Google to find a BMI calculator, and apparently you're slap bang in the middle of the "normal" category. There's really nothing to worry about, you're nowhere near overweight :smile:
My girlfriend's 5ft1, weights 53kg (about 8 and a half stone or nearby) and looks perfectly slim :smile:
Reply 6
i mean, im not going to lie to you, itsn ot fat but you look lsightly dumpy probably because you should be at around 8 stone for your height.
Reply 7
^ WTH? Surely an extra half a stone on the 'recommended' weight for her height can't make that much difference..?!
Reply 8
hey hun im tiny myself prob weigh the same i know i dont look fat at all or anywhere near it. Im prob bout same height too! There is nothing to worry about its the right and healthy weight that you should be at your age so dont kick yourself about it!
i mean, im not going to lie to you, itsn ot fat but you look lsightly dumpy probably because you should be at around 8 stone for your height.

I totally disagree. Eight and a Half stone is a completely reasonable weight for 5ft 1.

OP, maybe some new clothes or a make over would make you feel less 'dumpy'? Think of all the good points about your body, I'm sure there must be lots of them!
A quick search on Google to find a BMI calculator, and apparently you're slap bang in the middle of the "normal" category. There's really nothing to worry about, you're nowhere near overweight :smile:

Reply 11
thanks for all the replies everyone =] made me feel a lot better
i think i maybe just need to tone up, might help me loose that dumpy feeling
it also doesnt help that i've boobs that i think arent in proportion for someone my height, not exactly massive (34c) but with me being small it doesnt really even out very well!
anon, ever thought that those people who only weigh 7stone or whatever are underweight?!

how old are you?!

Dieting and limiting food intake to primarily one type of food really isn't healthy and won't keep your body functioning properly.
Reply 13
Your BMI is 22, so smack bang in the middle of the healthy weight range (18.5-25).
So there you go.
Reply 14
I'm 5'1 and 8 stone so I'm not much off you. I've been putting on weight lately but I'm not that bothered. there's so many people you can look at and be glad your not THAT bad. be worried when you get to 12 stone. your a healthy weight so be happy :smile:

the ones that are thinner may well be genetically coded that way!
Reply 15
anon, ever thought that those people who only weigh 7stone or whatever are underweight?!

exactly!!! im 5 foot n 7 stone n underweight (my BMI is like 18 or sumat) n im tryna put ON weight. gota say im jelus of ur weight so enjoy it!!!! n if my boobs wer as big as urs, id feel like i wer in heaven!!!! xxx
Reply 16
22.5 BMI is a normal weight but if you gain a little bit of weights like 5kg u will be classified as fat. your weight is perfectly normal though! make sure u eat healthy food and stay away from junk foods!!!!
im 4ft 11 and weigh 7stone, now although i think im pretty much the right weight for my height, im desperately trying to put on weight!!!
There's people dying as we speak.
head over to the fitness forum :smile: