The Student Room Group

“Wet Dreams” are making my mornings a nightmare

Male/ late 16

I’m not the type of person to publicly talk about sexual health... to anyone.

For the past 1 to 2 months I’ve been waking up to the dreaded “wet dream”. I can probably count 4 within the last month and a half.

It’s literally the worst feeling in the morning, because I have to clean out my boxers (to an unnoticeable amount) and throw them in the wash, and spend 5-10 mins washing that area in the shower because it feels dirty to me. It’s even worse sometimes (like today), where I woke up later and noticed that my joggers were wet and it left a wet patch on my bed sheets, so now I have to clean my joggers and bed sheets.

All that while making an excuse to Mum, that I “accidentally” got it wet (with water), because I’m too embarrassed to talk about what it actually is.

I can not control it at all and I feel disgusting in the morning since I have some OCD (not officially) about keeping myself clean.

All that I’ve found is going to sleep in boxers usually helps? Or it’s just a coincidence because it happens once a week or two? But that isn’t an option all the time as I wear nightclothes usually and I’m freezing without them.

I don’t know what to do but I hate for it to carry on.
Wear loose fitting clothes or sleep naked. Have a cold shower before bed and sleep on your side.
Completely relate to this - I have a similar situation quite frequently. Unfortunately is part of being a guy, especially if you don't release your semen in other ways. Don't be embarrassed about it, it's completely normal, and you mum will also know and understand if she asked and you told her. You could even say you had a 'boy accident' during the night and she'll understand.
(edited 7 years ago)
I am the same age and this happens to me too! Why not if you don't want to mention it to your Mum, speak to your Dad/male in your life.
Reply 4
Original post by Anonymous
Male/ late 16

I’m not the type of person to publicly talk about sexual health... to anyone.

For the past 1 to 2 months I’ve been waking up to the dreaded “wet dream”. I can probably count 4 within the last month and a half.

It’s literally the worst feeling in the morning, because I have to clean out my boxers (to an unnoticeable amount) and throw them in the wash, and spend 5-10 mins washing that area in the shower because it feels dirty to me. It’s even worse sometimes (like today), where I woke up later and noticed that my joggers were wet and it left a wet patch on my bed sheets, so now I have to clean my joggers and bed sheets.

All that while making an excuse to Mum, that I “accidentally” got it wet (with water), because I’m too embarrassed to talk about what it actually is.

I can not control it at all and I feel disgusting in the morning since I have some OCD (not officially) about keeping myself clean.

All that I’ve found is going to sleep in boxers usually helps? Or it’s just a coincidence because it happens once a week or two? But that isn’t an option all the time as I wear nightclothes usually and I’m freezing without them.

I don’t know what to do but I hate for it to carry on.

If you really find it so awful and don't want to talk to your mum or dad, you could possibly use some pads in your underwear? I know it may seem an embarrassing thing but there are pads for men called TENA men protective shield. You can likely get it on Amazon to be delivered to an Amazon locker if you don't want to buy them in person or risk parents opening it delivered at home.
Reply 5
Original post by Student-95
Wear loose fitting clothes

This was helping for most of the time, though recently it's been happened with only my underwear on :frown:

Original post by aquablue592
Unfortunately is part of being a guy

So is it part of the "growing up" stages? I'm sure remembering those sexual health talks in early secondary school which had something about "wet dreams", now it's several years later and it's only happening to me now, and more frequently than I thought. How long has it got to last?

Original post by Anonymous
I am the same age and this happens to me too! Why not if you don't want to mention it to your Mum, speak to your Dad/male in your life.

I don't have a male figure in my life so it's definitely harder to talk bout stuff.

Original post by Devify
If you really find it so awful and don't want to talk to your mum or dad, you could possibly use some pads in your underwear? I know it may seem an embarrassing thing but there are pads for men called TENA men protective shield. You can likely get it on Amazon to be delivered to an Amazon locker if you don't want to buy them in person or risk parents opening it delivered at home.

I guess that gives me ideas in preparing for the worst before I sleep, like lining my underwear in thick tissues of some sort.


I was hoping to find some method of making it stop overall. It's literally the 'OCD-ness' of keeping clean and feeling like it doesn't wash off me that makes it so much worse. It's getting to the point that I'm afraid to sleep in case it happens over the night.
Original post by Anonymous


I was hoping to find some method of making it stop overall. It's literally the 'OCD-ness' of keeping clean and feeling like it doesn't wash off me that makes it so much worse. It's getting to the point that I'm afraid to sleep in case it happens over the night.

Umm.. would you mind sharing if you masturbate at all and if so, have you thought of using this as a remedy to avoid the wet dreams?
as the above poster said, do you masturbate often? I’m guessing if you masturbate at night before you go to sleep this would probably make it less likely for you to have a wet dream?
I've never really struggled with this, but i'd suggest wearing lose fitting underwear to bed - and any night clothing you wear to be thin as to avoid making you warm during your sleeping pattern.

If you don't like being dirty, I'd suggest having a shower in the evening/night and using the time in the shower to "release" so that your sex drive is at a lower state during your resting period.
Or if you don't masturbate, you could wear a small sock on your penis and hold it in place with underwear. So if you have a wet dream the sock will soak it up and you wont have a big mess. So you only have to put the sock in the laundry and rinse your penis, rather than changing your sheets each time and explaining to your mum that you had a boy's accident in the night.
Bang one out before you go to sleep. Bleed the system dry for safety.:colondollar:
Yeah, bang one out, tug one the chicken with the boys. Play soggy biscuit.
This hasn't started for me yet how do I prevent It getting on my blanket
Original post by Harleymachin12
This hasn't started for me yet how do I prevent It getting on my blanket

Maybe sleeping on your side could help (if you're facing up it might get on your blanket and if down, on your mattress/whatever you're sleeping on), and wear pyjamas or something if you don't already. Hope this helps ^^
I have the exact same thing you have and also I have this ocd with cleaning up and I spend 10-15 minutes in the shower after and still fell unclean and that the shower is now not clean and that my feet which got wet from the water and body wash that washed my penis are not clean and they touch my floor so now the floor is not clean and now anything that goes on the floor is not clean and it’s an everlasting paradox and I know there is nothing hygenically unclean about sperm but there is this ocd in my mind that says that it can’t touch anything and that’s it’s not clean. another case of this is that I wash my hands in the morning with a cup ( Jewish thing ) and in the sink that I put the cup i washed my underwear that had sperm on it in there a few times so now when the cup touches anywhere (which is basically everywhere because my brother keeps moving the cup I won’t put anything on that spot this makes my life so hard and I hate wet dreams and I’m right now 50 days on no fap and this doesn’t give me motivation when I could just forcefully get the bad sperm out (masterbate) and it would be a lot less of a mess and it would not get on my underwear Anyways I hate wet dreams and feel like absolute crap after them and have a bad day so it’s just cool to see that I’m not struggling alone thx
Original post by Lionswin13
I have the exact same thing you have and also I have this ocd with cleaning up and I spend 10-15 minutes in the shower after and still fell unclean and that the shower is now not clean and that my feet which got wet from the water and body wash that washed my penis are not clean and they touch my floor so now the floor is not clean and now anything that goes on the floor is not clean and it’s an everlasting paradox and I know there is nothing hygenically unclean about sperm but there is this ocd in my mind that says that it can’t touch anything and that’s it’s not clean. another case of this is that I wash my hands in the morning with a cup ( Jewish thing ) and in the sink that I put the cup i washed my underwear that had sperm on it in there a few times so now when the cup touches anywhere (which is basically everywhere because my brother keeps moving the cup I won’t put anything on that spot this makes my life so hard and I hate wet dreams and I’m right now 50 days on no fap and this doesn’t give me motivation when I could just forcefully get the bad sperm out (masterbate) and it would be a lot less of a mess and it would not get on my underwear Anyways I hate wet dreams and feel like absolute crap after them and have a bad day so it’s just cool to see that I’m not struggling alone thx

Just masturbate and release all the sperm daily or almost daily, then you'll have no wet dreams
Original post by Anonymous
Just masturbate and release all the sperm daily or almost daily, then you'll have no wet dreams

you shouldn't.
Put a sock on your PP before bed and when it happens it will be contained in the sock.

When it happens change the sock out, clean yourself up with dirty cloths or undershirts from your dirties basket then go back ro sleep.
Original post by Anonymous
Male/ late 16

I’m not the type of person to publicly talk about sexual health... to anyone.

For the past 1 to 2 months I’ve been waking up to the dreaded “wet dream”. I can probably count 4 within the last month and a half.

It’s literally the worst feeling in the morning, because I have to clean out my boxers (to an unnoticeable amount) and throw them in the wash, and spend 5-10 mins washing that area in the shower because it feels dirty to me. It’s even worse sometimes (like today), where I woke up later and noticed that my joggers were wet and it left a wet patch on my bed sheets, so now I have to clean my joggers and bed sheets.

All that while making an excuse to Mum, that I “accidentally” got it wet (with water), because I’m too embarrassed to talk about what it actually is.

I can not control it at all and I feel disgusting in the morning since I have some OCD (not officially) about keeping myself clean.

All that I’ve found is going to sleep in boxers usually helps? Or it’s just a coincidence because it happens once a week or two? But that isn’t an option all the time as I wear nightclothes usually and I’m freezing without them.

I don’t know what to do but I hate for it to carry on.

wrap it up with tissue or something before u go to sleep, makes it easier to clean up