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Reply 1
Have a look at Heythrop. They offer a lot of that continental stuff - certainly within London, it's one of the more Continental-oriented courses (I can attest, having spent a ridiculous amount of time reading Hegel, Kierkegaard and Schopenhauer, now that I've moved back to reading Real, Proper Philosophy :smile: )
Reply 2
Well, definitely not Cambridge or the LSE.

Warwick has a healthy selection of post-Kantian continental modules, Sheffield has an existentialism module, and Southampton opens up in the final year with Nietzsche and Kierkegaard modules.

I wonder how long it'll be before the 'analytic philosophers' come in with their burning effigy of Derrida and copies of the Principia Mathematica to beat you to death with...
Warwick, Essex and Sussex.
My thoughts would be Heythrop, Warwick, Essex and Sussex.
Well, definitely not Cambridge or the LSE.

Warwick has a healthy selection of post-Kantian continental modules, Sheffield has an existentialism module, and Southampton opens up in the final year with Nietzsche and Kierkegaard modules.

I wonder how long it'll be before the 'analytic philosophers' come in with their burning effigy of Derrida and copies of the Principia Mathematica to beat you to death with...

Nah we just funnel the beret-wearing hipsters into the above institutions so we're far enough away from them and their weed to think properly. :wink:
when i was looking at uni's warwick struck me as the most balanced course. It has a large chunk in the first year (as well as the good ol' analytic stuff) and then you can choose to carry it on later too. But then again, i suppose if you want just continental it might not be best...
Reply 7
The Solitary Reaper
Nah we just funnel the beret-wearing hipsters into the above institutions so we're far enough away from them and their weed to think properly. :wink:

I went to university to smoke weed and wear a beret and all I got was this degree and a copy of the Phenomenology of Spirit.

Which reminds me - I typed minds fscked up by Hegel into Google and the first result was entitled 'The Single Greatest Cause of Domestic Housefires'. Methinks the analytics overstate the case for the prosecution a little. :biggrin:
Reply 8
Reply 9
my Uni (Liverpool) offers modules in Kierkegaard, Existentialism, Kant and After, Philosophy of Literature alongside pretty heavy traditional modules like ontology, philosophy of mathematics and Wittgenstein.
Reply 10
What's continental philosophy? (Read: Not Cambridge).
What's continental philosophy? (Read: Not Cambridge).

A nice simple question. With a complex answer.

It's a phrase that describes a broad and general grouping of philosophical approaches that can be summarised as simply "not analytical". There are no real clear definitions, but it broadly encompasses those approaches that flow from 'European' (French and German, primarily) philosophy - including existentialism, phenomenology, hermeneutics, critical theory, Marxism and subsequent schools and ideas in philosophy.

It tends to deal with less strictly rational or logical fields, including broader questions of meaning or value - preferring interpretation over linguistic analysis. Again, this is a broad, general picture. The analytical philosophers tend to charge Continentalists with vagueness and imprecision. The Continentals tend to say back that the analytical philosophers haven't understood the problem in it's fullness and that they are being deliberately reductionist.

See Wikipedia.

EDIT: Oh, sorry, misread your post. Must get more sleep.
Reply 12
Hehe, I expected someone would. Quite a good answer though!
What's continental philosophy? (Read: Not Cambridge).

An anachronism.
An anachronism.

I was going to go with a waste of perfectly good trees, but who am I to quibble:p:
Reply 15
What about Durham?
Reply 16
What about Durham?

Quick glance at the course modules on their webstie makes it look pretty analytic - couple of third year modules, but most of the earlier stuff looks like analytic topics.
What about Durham?

Nooooooooooooo haha. Warwick seems to be the best for this sort of thing.
Why not educate yourself? Why go to a University and have someone else teach you philosophy when it is obvious that it can be self-taught?

I kind of find it funny that a subject about "self-knowing" or "know thy-self" requires someone else besides you to know what it is about how to know what you want to know about who you really are.
Reply 19
Why not educate yourself? Why go to a University and have someone else teach you philosophy when it is obvious that it can be self-taught?

I kind of find it funny that a subject about "self-knowing" or "know thy-self" requires someone else besides you to know what it is about how to know what you want to know about who you really are.

Plenty of philosophers would deny that that's what philosophy is about. Even continental ones.