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Yes, and maybe add a poll.
Reply 2
yup, was working on it, got distracted, lol
Reply 3
This has been asked SO many times. It varies about 1:1:1 between people who would really like it, people who don't see why it would be an issue and people who would feel like there was something they couldn't offer / get paranoid or just would feel plain weird.
Reply 4
sorry, i wasn't aware that it had been asked before. i am of the belief that it should not be an issue. i know there are people who are homophobic though, even if not openly, so i was wondering how people would reply
Reply 5
I don't think it's an issue of homophobia though. If you knew that your partner enjoyed a particular sexual act that you weren't happy indulging in then that would create a rift. So what if it's an act that you CAN'T indulge in? (I'm more playing devil's advocate here, it's not a scenario I've ever been in so I've never seriously considered it) Lots of people get worried that their partner might like somebody else more, and especially for people who have issues with their other half having opposite-sex friends (which I personally find a bit daft) then if they're bisexual that becomes ALL of their friends! I think more than anything it's the worry that you couldn't completely fulfil them, or that they might want to have something with somebody of the same sex on the side - which I personally would never sanction.
Yes, I would. In fact, the situation has some fairly serious potential to be pretty hot! :p:
Reply 7
A bisexual is just as likely to run off with someone else as a heterosexual or homosexual... the only difference is that gender isn't an issue. It annoys me when people call bis "greedy".
Yeah I would.

It'd worry me no more than me dating a straight person.
I have nothing against anyone bi at all and would happily be friends with them.. but I would find it too weird if I said a guy was hot and my boyfriend agreed. And I would constantly feel paranoid that one day he might just decide he only wants guys. It would just be too crazy!
I can't see any reason as to why I wouldn't date someone who was bisexual, ok they might not be interested in guys all the time, but at the end of the day whilst they are in a relationship with you your not going to think about it!
Reply 11
Yeah I would date someone bisexual. It wouldn't be an issue if they were with me.
Definetely, I think I would maybe even prefer it
Reply 13
Yeah, I'd have no problem with it whatsoever. Plus, talking from personal experience, bis seem to have really interesting personalities, which is a must when dating. I know thats a huge over-generalisation, but I'm just talking about within my circle of friends.
My first boyfriend was bisexual and I can honestly say I had the best relationship with him. He had a certain understanding of my points of view (and vice versa) that other guys just haven't been able to manage. I also found it quite fun that we could 'boy watch' together but still be completly comfortable that he liked girls too as there was never any question of being temptedtoanyone else. We still talk now and are good friends. :smile:

Would I do it again?...Yep :biggrin:
Yeah, why not.
Sure. It's absolutely not a problem for me.
Reply 17
Yup - but speaking as a bisexual, I guess my opinion doesn't really count!

Rosi xx
Reply 18
I would rather watch Exeter City play!
Reply 19

it doesn't really make any difference